[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


BreastCancer.org (2015c) Side Effects-Neuropathy. Available at:http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/side_effects/neuropathy [Accessed 24 March 2015].BreastCancer.org (2015d) http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/side_effects/lymphedema [Accessed 27May 2015].Brissett AE, Sherris DA (2001) Scar contractures, hypertrophic scars, and keloids. Facial Plastic Surgery17(4): 263–72.Brown J, Bayat A (2009) Genetic susceptibility to raised dermal scarring. British Journal of Dermatology161(1): 8–18.Calais-Germain B (2007) The shoulder. In: Anatomy of movement, rev edn. Seattle: Eastland Press, Ch 3, p104.Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) (2014) Breast cancer statistics. Available at:http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-type/breast/statistics/?region=bc [Accessed 27 February2015].Chan KY, Lau CL, Adeeb SM et al (2005) A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, prospectiveclinical trial of silicone gel in prevention of hypertrophic scar development in median sternotomy wound.Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 116(4):1013–20 [discussion 1021–2].Chan MW, Hinz B, McCulloch CA (2010) Mechanical induction of gene expression in connective tissuecells. Methods in Cell Biology 98: 178–205.Chapelle SL, Bove GM (2013) Visceral massage reduces postoperative ileus in a rat model. Journal ofBodywork and Movement Therapies, 17(1): 83–88.Cheng B, Liu HW, Fu XB (2011) Update on pruritic mechanisms of hypertrophic scars in postburn patients:the potential role of opioids and their receptors. Journal of Burn Care Research 32(4):e118-25. Doi:10.1097/BCR.0b013e3182223c32.Cheville AL, Troxel AB, Basford JR, Kornblith AB (2008) Prevalence and treatment patterns of physicalimpairments in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 26: 2621–2629.Cheville AL, Beck LA, Petersen TL et al (2009) The detection and treatment of cancer-related functionalproblems in an outpatient setting. Support Care Cancer 17: 61–67.Cho YS, Jeon JH, Hong A et al (2014) The effect of burn rehabilitation massage therapy on hypertrophicscar after burn: a randomized controlled trial. Burns 40(8):1513-20. Doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2014.02.005.Crandall S, Davis M, Shibasaki D et al (2009) Sustained impairments in cutaneous vasodilation andsweating in grafted skin following long-term recovery. Journal of Burn Care and Research 30(4): 675–685.Crandall CG, Davis SL (2010) Cutaneous vascular and sudomotor responses in human skin grafts. Journalof Applied Physiology 109(5): 1524–1530.Croibier J-PB (1999) Cervicobrachial plexus. In: Trauma: an osteopathic approach. Seattle: Eastland Press,p 201.Cubison TC, Pape SA, Parkhouse N (2006) Evidence for the link between healing time and thedevelopment of hypertrophic scars (HTS) in paediatric burns due to scald injury. Burns 32(8): 992–9.Dearden C, Donnell J, Dunlop M (2001) Traumatic wounds: local wound management. Nursing Times 97:35, 55.Deitch EA, Wheelahan TM, Rose MP et al (1983) Hypertrophic burn scars: analysis of variables. Journal ofTrauma 23(10): 895–8.Demling RH (2005) The burn edema process: current concepts. Journal of Burn Care and Research 26(3)

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BreastCancer.org (2015c) Side Effects-Neuropathy. Available at:

http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/side_effects/neuropathy [Accessed 24 March 2015].

BreastCancer.org (2015d) http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/side_effects/lymphedema [Accessed 27

May 2015].

Brissett AE, Sherris DA (2001) Scar contractures, hypertrophic scars, and keloids. Facial Plastic Surgery

17(4): 263–72.

Brown J, Bayat A (2009) Genetic susceptibility to raised dermal scarring. British Journal of Dermatology

161(1): 8–18.

Calais-Germain B (2007) The shoulder. In: Anatomy of movement, rev edn. Seattle: Eastland Press, Ch 3, p


Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) (2014) Breast cancer statistics. Available at:

http://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-type/breast/statistics/?region=bc [Accessed 27 February


Chan KY, Lau CL, Adeeb SM et al (2005) A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind, prospective

clinical trial of silicone gel in prevention of hypertrophic scar development in median sternotomy wound.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 116(4):1013–20 [discussion 1021–2].

Chan MW, Hinz B, McCulloch CA (2010) Mechanical induction of gene expression in connective tissue

cells. Methods in Cell Biology 98: 178–205.

Chapelle SL, Bove GM (2013) Visceral massage reduces postoperative ileus in a rat model. Journal of

Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 17(1): 83–88.

Cheng B, Liu HW, Fu XB (2011) Update on pruritic mechanisms of hypertrophic scars in postburn patients:

the potential role of opioids and their receptors. Journal of Burn Care Research 32(4):e118-25. Doi:


Cheville AL, Troxel AB, Basford JR, Kornblith AB (2008) Prevalence and treatment patterns of physical

impairments in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 26: 2621–2629.

Cheville AL, Beck LA, Petersen TL et al (2009) The detection and treatment of cancer-related functional

problems in an outpatient setting. Support Care Cancer 17: 61–67.

Cho YS, Jeon JH, Hong A et al (2014) The effect of burn rehabilitation massage therapy on hypertrophic

scar after burn: a randomized controlled trial. Burns 40(8):1513-20. Doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2014.02.005.

Crandall S, Davis M, Shibasaki D et al (2009) Sustained impairments in cutaneous vasodilation and

sweating in grafted skin following long-term recovery. Journal of Burn Care and Research 30(4): 675–685.

Crandall CG, Davis SL (2010) Cutaneous vascular and sudomotor responses in human skin grafts. Journal

of Applied Physiology 109(5): 1524–1530.

Croibier J-PB (1999) Cervicobrachial plexus. In: Trauma: an osteopathic approach. Seattle: Eastland Press,

p 201.

Cubison TC, Pape SA, Parkhouse N (2006) Evidence for the link between healing time and the

development of hypertrophic scars (HTS) in paediatric burns due to scald injury. Burns 32(8): 992–9.

Dearden C, Donnell J, Dunlop M (2001) Traumatic wounds: local wound management. Nursing Times 97:

35, 55.

Deitch EA, Wheelahan TM, Rose MP et al (1983) Hypertrophic burn scars: analysis of variables. Journal of

Trauma 23(10): 895–8.

Demling RH (2005) The burn edema process: current concepts. Journal of Burn Care and Research 26(3)

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