[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Sequelae and ComplicationsAdvances in diagnostic and treatment approaches have resulted in improvedsurvival rates. It is estimated that there are 2.5 million breast cancer survivorsalive in the US, and millions more worldwide (American Cancer Society 2010,Rosedale & Fu 2010, Schmitz et al. 2012).While survival is obviously desirable, sequelae and complications are not. Inaddtion to the impact of the cancer itself, curative treatment approaches such assurgery (mastectomy), radiotherapy and chemotherapy, can also be the source ofongoing pain and dysfunction.The incidence and prevalence of persistent adverse effects and the extent towhich women’s lives remain affected by breast cancer treatment is poorlyunderstood.(Schmitz et al. 2012)According to Schmitz and colleagues, at 6 years post-diagnosis more than 60%of women experienced one or more side-effects amenable to rehabilitativeintervention (Schmitz et al. 2012). For example:• Postsurgical issues: infection, axillary web syndrome/cording, seroma,hematoma• Skin/tissue reaction to radiotherapy: burns• Upper body symptoms and functional issues: lymphedema, swelling, pain,numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, stiffness and range of movement(ROM) issuesBox 6.1

Early detectionBreast cancer is typically detected during a screening examination, prior tosymptoms developing or after symptoms have established, including whena lump is found. Most masses discovered by a mammogram and mostbreast lumps are benign (non-cancerous).As is the case with most cancers, early detection can factor significantlyinto prognosis and survival rate. Prognosis and survival considerationsinclude: disease stage, lymph node status, hormone receptor status, tumortype, size and grade, degree of lymph and vascular invasion, age,recurrence and metastasis.Many countries around the world provide screening programs as a meansof early detection in women between the ages of 50–69 and for otheridentified risk groups (e.g. familial history, gene mutations – BRCA1 or 2,history of breast cancer or atypical hyperplasia, dense breast tissue andhistory of regional radiation treatment).Screening can include: mammography starting at a younger age; morefrequent mammography; ultrasound; MRI; clinical breast exams.Additionally, the value of self-examination cannot be emphasized enoughas many individuals are the first to notice changes in the look and feel oftheir own breasts.Since the mid-1980s breast cancer mortality has declined in women inevery age group, likely due to increased awareness, implemented screeningmeasures and improvements in treatment.• Fatigue.Side-effects were reported to be ‘severe to extreme, a bit to very much’.Other available post-treatment sequelae statistics (Peuckmann et al. 2009):• Chronic/persistent pain – 29%

Sequelae and Complications

Advances in diagnostic and treatment approaches have resulted in improved

survival rates. It is estimated that there are 2.5 million breast cancer survivors

alive in the US, and millions more worldwide (American Cancer Society 2010,

Rosedale & Fu 2010, Schmitz et al. 2012).

While survival is obviously desirable, sequelae and complications are not. In

addtion to the impact of the cancer itself, curative treatment approaches such as

surgery (mastectomy), radiotherapy and chemotherapy, can also be the source of

ongoing pain and dysfunction.

The incidence and prevalence of persistent adverse effects and the extent to

which women’s lives remain affected by breast cancer treatment is poorly


(Schmitz et al. 2012)

According to Schmitz and colleagues, at 6 years post-diagnosis more than 60%

of women experienced one or more side-effects amenable to rehabilitative

intervention (Schmitz et al. 2012). For example:

• Postsurgical issues: infection, axillary web syndrome/cording, seroma,


• Skin/tissue reaction to radiotherapy: burns

• Upper body symptoms and functional issues: lymphedema, swelling, pain,

numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, stiffness and range of movement

(ROM) issues

Box 6.1

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