[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationIt has been identified that mechanical forces can induce changes in theexpression of ECM proteins and proteases. In a study by Kanazawa et al.(2009), it was revealed that uniaxial, cyclical stretching of skin fibroblastsresulted in down-regulation of agents known to stimulate persistentcollagen proliferation associated with fibrosis and abnormal scarring. Inanother in vitro model, human hypertrophic scar samples responded tomechanical loading by inducing apoptosis (Derderian et al. 2005).Although the exact mechanism remains to be determined, it ishypothesized that massage can impact cellular structural and signalingmilieu, thereby inducing beneficial effects through the ability to affectfibroblast apoptosis and remodeling (Bhadal et al. 2008, Chan et al. 2010,Cho et al. 2014).

Clinical ConsiderationHypertrophy typically persists for 6–12 months and tends to regress over aperiod of 18–24 months (Oliveria et al. 2005). Pruritus is more likely tooccur during active hypertrophy (i.e. early stages of maturation). It isprudent that the evolution of hypertrophic scars – whether the burn scar isin the early or late states of maturation – inform treatment protocol.Additionally, staging will impact short and long-term outcomes (Cho et al.2014).

Clinical Consideration

Hypertrophy typically persists for 6–12 months and tends to regress over a

period of 18–24 months (Oliveria et al. 2005). Pruritus is more likely to

occur during active hypertrophy (i.e. early stages of maturation). It is

prudent that the evolution of hypertrophic scars – whether the burn scar is

in the early or late states of maturation – inform treatment protocol.

Additionally, staging will impact short and long-term outcomes (Cho et al.


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