[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


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Langevin HM (2006) Connective tissue: a body-wide signaling network? Med Hypotheses 66: 1074–1077.Langevin H (2010) Presentation: Ultrasound Imaging of Connective Tissue Pathology Associated withChronic Low Back Pain. 7th Interdisciplinary Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles.Lawman MJ, Boyle MD, Gee AP, Young M (1985) Nerve growth factor accelerates the early cellular eventsassociated with wound healing. Experimental and Molecular Pathology 43(2): 274–281.Lee SS, Yosipovitch G, Chan YH, Goh CL (2004) Pruritus, pain, and small nerve fiber function in keloids:a controlled study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 51: 1002–1006.Lewin GR, Mendell LM. (1993) Nerve growth factor and nociception. Trends in Neuroscience 16: 353–359.Li AK, Koroly MJ, Schattenkerk ME et al (1980) Nerve growth factor: acceleration of the rate of woundhealing in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in USA 77: 4379–81.Lowe JC (2009) Factors that induce fibrosis of fascial tissues. [accessed April 10, 2009 from HYPERLINK“http://www.drlowe.com” www.drlowe.com.]Marieb EN (2003) Human anatomy and physiology, 5th edn. Redwood City, CA: Benjamin CummingsPublishing, 5.Matsuda H, Koyama H, Sato H et al (1998) Role of nerve growth factor in cutaneous wound healing:accelerating effects in normal and healing-impaired diabetic mice. Journal of Experimental Medicine 187:297–306.Menke NB, Ward KR, Witten TM et al (2007). Impaired wound healing. Clinics in Dermatology 25: 19–25.Meyer-ter-Vehn T, Han H, Grehn F, Schlunck G (2011) Extracellular matrix elasticity modulates TGF-β–induced p38 activation and myofibroblast transdifferentiation in human tenon fibroblasts. InvestigativeOphthalmology and Visual Science 52(12): 9149–9155.Miyamoto J, Nagasao T, Miyamoto S et al (2009) Biomechanical analysis of stresses occurring in verticaland transverse scars on the lower leg. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 124(6): 1974–1979.Moore ML, Dewey WS, Richard RL (2009) Rehabilitation of the burned hand. Hand Clinics 25(4): 529–541.Muangman P, Muffley LA, Anthony JP et al (2004) Nerve growth factor accelerates wound healing indiabetic mice. Wound Repair and Regeneration 12: 44–52.Ogawa R (2008) Keloid and hypertrophic scarring may result from a mechanoreceptor or mechanosensitivenociceptor disorder. Medical Hypotheses 71(4): 493–500.Ogawa R (2011) Mechanobiology of scarring. Wound Repair and Regeneration 19(s1), s2–s9.Ogawa R, Okai K, Tokumura F, Mori K et al (2012). The relationship between skin stretching/contractionand pathologic scarring: the important role of mechanical forces in keloid generation. Wound Repair andRegeneration, 20(2): 149–157.Profyris C, Tziotzios C, DoVale I (2012) Cutaneous scarring: pathophysiology, molecular mechanisms, andscar reduction therapeutics Part I. The molecular basis of scar formation. Journal of the American Academyof Dermatology 66: 1–10.Quinlan KL, Song IS, Bunnett NW et al (1998) Neuropeptide regulation of human dermal microvascularendothelial cell ICAM-1 expression and function. American Journal of Physiology 275: C1580–90.Quinlan KL, Naik SM, Cannon G et al. (1999) Substance P activates coincident NF-AT- and NF-kappa B-dependent adhesion molecule gene expression in microvascular endothelial cells through intracellularcalcium mobilization. Journal of Immunology 163(10): 5656–65.

Langevin HM (2006) Connective tissue: a body-wide signaling network? Med Hypotheses 66: 1074–1077.

Langevin H (2010) Presentation: Ultrasound Imaging of Connective Tissue Pathology Associated with

Chronic Low Back Pain. 7th Interdisciplinary Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Los Angeles.

Lawman MJ, Boyle MD, Gee AP, Young M (1985) Nerve growth factor accelerates the early cellular events

associated with wound healing. Experimental and Molecular Pathology 43(2): 274–281.

Lee SS, Yosipovitch G, Chan YH, Goh CL (2004) Pruritus, pain, and small nerve fiber function in keloids:

a controlled study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 51: 1002–1006.

Lewin GR, Mendell LM. (1993) Nerve growth factor and nociception. Trends in Neuroscience 16: 353–


Li AK, Koroly MJ, Schattenkerk ME et al (1980) Nerve growth factor: acceleration of the rate of wound

healing in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in USA 77: 4379–81.

Lowe JC (2009) Factors that induce fibrosis of fascial tissues. [accessed April 10, 2009 from HYPERLINK

“http://www.drlowe.com” www.drlowe.com.]

Marieb EN (2003) Human anatomy and physiology, 5th edn. Redwood City, CA: Benjamin Cummings

Publishing, 5.

Matsuda H, Koyama H, Sato H et al (1998) Role of nerve growth factor in cutaneous wound healing:

accelerating effects in normal and healing-impaired diabetic mice. Journal of Experimental Medicine 187:


Menke NB, Ward KR, Witten TM et al (2007). Impaired wound healing. Clinics in Dermatology 25: 19–25.

Meyer-ter-Vehn T, Han H, Grehn F, Schlunck G (2011) Extracellular matrix elasticity modulates TGF-β–

induced p38 activation and myofibroblast transdifferentiation in human tenon fibroblasts. Investigative

Ophthalmology and Visual Science 52(12): 9149–9155.

Miyamoto J, Nagasao T, Miyamoto S et al (2009) Biomechanical analysis of stresses occurring in vertical

and transverse scars on the lower leg. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery 124(6): 1974–1979.

Moore ML, Dewey WS, Richard RL (2009) Rehabilitation of the burned hand. Hand Clinics 25(4): 529–


Muangman P, Muffley LA, Anthony JP et al (2004) Nerve growth factor accelerates wound healing in

diabetic mice. Wound Repair and Regeneration 12: 44–52.

Ogawa R (2008) Keloid and hypertrophic scarring may result from a mechanoreceptor or mechanosensitive

nociceptor disorder. Medical Hypotheses 71(4): 493–500.

Ogawa R (2011) Mechanobiology of scarring. Wound Repair and Regeneration 19(s1), s2–s9.

Ogawa R, Okai K, Tokumura F, Mori K et al (2012). The relationship between skin stretching/contraction

and pathologic scarring: the important role of mechanical forces in keloid generation. Wound Repair and

Regeneration, 20(2): 149–157.

Profyris C, Tziotzios C, DoVale I (2012) Cutaneous scarring: pathophysiology, molecular mechanisms, and

scar reduction therapeutics Part I. The molecular basis of scar formation. Journal of the American Academy

of Dermatology 66: 1–10.

Quinlan KL, Song IS, Bunnett NW et al (1998) Neuropeptide regulation of human dermal microvascular

endothelial cell ICAM-1 expression and function. American Journal of Physiology 275: C1580–90.

Quinlan KL, Naik SM, Cannon G et al. (1999) Substance P activates coincident NF-AT- and NF-kappa B-

dependent adhesion molecule gene expression in microvascular endothelial cells through intracellular

calcium mobilization. Journal of Immunology 163(10): 5656–65.

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