[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


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Fitch P (2005) Scars of life. Journal of Soft Tissue Manipulation. 12(4): 3–6.Fourie W (2008) Lymphatic scarring and secondary lymphoedema post breast cancer treatment. Text ofinvited presentation given at the British Lymphology Society Annual Conference. Belfast, October.Fourie W (2009) The fascia lata of the thigh – more than a ‘stocking’: a magnetic resonance imaging,ultrasonography and dissection study. In: Fascia research II: Basic science and implications forconventional and complementary health care. Munich: Elsevier Urban and Fischer.Fourie W (2012) Surgery and scarring. In: Schleip R et al (eds) Fascia: the tensional network of the humanbody. Ch 7.17, pp 411–420. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.Fryer G, Fossum C (2009) Therapeutic mechanisms underlying muscle energy approaches. Physical therapyfor tension type and cervicogenic headache: physical examination, muscle and joint management. Boston:Jones and Bartlett.Gabbiani G (2003) The myofibroblast in wound healing and fibrocontractive diseases. Journal of Pathology200: 500–503.Gabriel V (2011) Hypertrophic scar. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 22(2):301–310.Galkowska H, Olszewski WL, Wojewodzka U et al (2006) Neurogenic factors in the impaired healing ofdiabetic foot ulcers. Journal of Surgical Research 134: 252–258.Garg RK, Wong VW, Gurtner, GC (2012) Of mice and men. Mechanical signaling and scar formationacross species. Journal of Wound Technology. Jan, 15: 24–25.Gauglitz GG, Korting HC, Pavicic T et al (2011) Hypertrophic scarring and keloids: pathomechanisms andcurrent and emerging treatment strategies. Molecular Medicine 17(1–2): 113.Gibran NS, Jang YC, Isik FF et al (2002) Diminished neuropeptide levels contribute to the impairedcutaneous healing response associated with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Surgical Research 108: 122–8.Goel A, Shrivastava P (2010) Post-burn scars and scar contractures. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery:official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India 43(Suppl): S63.Granert O, Peller M, Gaser C et al (2011) Manual activity shapes structure and function in contralateralhuman motor hand area. Neuroimage 54(1): 32–41.Graven-Nielsen T, Mense S (2001) The peripheral apparatus of muscle pain: evidence from animal andhuman studies. The Clinical Journal of Pain 17(1): 2–10.Grinnell F 2008 Fibroblast mechanics in three-dimensional collagen matrices. Journal of Bodywork andMovement Therapies 12(3): 191–193.Guimberteau (2012) Scars and Adhesion Panel. Lecture notes from The 3rd International Fascia ResearchCongress, Vancouver, 28–30 March.Guo S, DiPietro LA (2010). Factors affecting wound healing. Journal of Dental Research 89(3): 219–229.Gurtner GC, Dauskardt RH, Wong VW et al (2011) Improving cutaneous scar formation by controlling themechanical environment: large animal and phase I studies. Annals of Surgery 254(2): 217–225.Hamed K, Giles N, Anderson J et al (2011) Changes in cutaneous innervation in patients with chronic painafter burns. Burns 37(4): 631–637.Hanna KR, Katz AJ (2011) An update on wound healing and the nervous system. Annals of Plastic Surgery67: 49–52.Heiderscheit B, Sherry M, Silder A, et al (2010) Hamstring strain injuries: recommendations for diagnosis,

Fitch P (2005) Scars of life. Journal of Soft Tissue Manipulation. 12(4): 3–6.

Fourie W (2008) Lymphatic scarring and secondary lymphoedema post breast cancer treatment. Text of

invited presentation given at the British Lymphology Society Annual Conference. Belfast, October.

Fourie W (2009) The fascia lata of the thigh – more than a ‘stocking’: a magnetic resonance imaging,

ultrasonography and dissection study. In: Fascia research II: Basic science and implications for

conventional and complementary health care. Munich: Elsevier Urban and Fischer.

Fourie W (2012) Surgery and scarring. In: Schleip R et al (eds) Fascia: the tensional network of the human

body. Ch 7.17, pp 411–420. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.

Fryer G, Fossum C (2009) Therapeutic mechanisms underlying muscle energy approaches. Physical therapy

for tension type and cervicogenic headache: physical examination, muscle and joint management. Boston:

Jones and Bartlett.

Gabbiani G (2003) The myofibroblast in wound healing and fibrocontractive diseases. Journal of Pathology

200: 500–503.

Gabriel V (2011) Hypertrophic scar. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America 22(2):


Galkowska H, Olszewski WL, Wojewodzka U et al (2006) Neurogenic factors in the impaired healing of

diabetic foot ulcers. Journal of Surgical Research 134: 252–258.

Garg RK, Wong VW, Gurtner, GC (2012) Of mice and men. Mechanical signaling and scar formation

across species. Journal of Wound Technology. Jan, 15: 24–25.

Gauglitz GG, Korting HC, Pavicic T et al (2011) Hypertrophic scarring and keloids: pathomechanisms and

current and emerging treatment strategies. Molecular Medicine 17(1–2): 113.

Gibran NS, Jang YC, Isik FF et al (2002) Diminished neuropeptide levels contribute to the impaired

cutaneous healing response associated with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Surgical Research 108: 122–8.

Goel A, Shrivastava P (2010) Post-burn scars and scar contractures. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery:

official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India 43(Suppl): S63.

Granert O, Peller M, Gaser C et al (2011) Manual activity shapes structure and function in contralateral

human motor hand area. Neuroimage 54(1): 32–41.

Graven-Nielsen T, Mense S (2001) The peripheral apparatus of muscle pain: evidence from animal and

human studies. The Clinical Journal of Pain 17(1): 2–10.

Grinnell F 2008 Fibroblast mechanics in three-dimensional collagen matrices. Journal of Bodywork and

Movement Therapies 12(3): 191–193.

Guimberteau (2012) Scars and Adhesion Panel. Lecture notes from The 3rd International Fascia Research

Congress, Vancouver, 28–30 March.

Guo S, DiPietro LA (2010). Factors affecting wound healing. Journal of Dental Research 89(3): 219–229.

Gurtner GC, Dauskardt RH, Wong VW et al (2011) Improving cutaneous scar formation by controlling the

mechanical environment: large animal and phase I studies. Annals of Surgery 254(2): 217–225.

Hamed K, Giles N, Anderson J et al (2011) Changes in cutaneous innervation in patients with chronic pain

after burns. Burns 37(4): 631–637.

Hanna KR, Katz AJ (2011) An update on wound healing and the nervous system. Annals of Plastic Surgery

67: 49–52.

Heiderscheit B, Sherry M, Silder A, et al (2010) Hamstring strain injuries: recommendations for diagnosis,

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