[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


are covered in greater detail in Chapter 6. As burn trauma often impacts largersurface areas, Chapter 6 will also discuss area of damage and amount of tissueloss considerations in greater detail.NP/CM Impact OutcomeSubstancePCGRPElevated levels linked to excessive inflammation and subsequentsequelae; including fibroblasts proliferation and increased histaminerelease by mast cellsElevated levels linked to sensory symptoms associated with woundhealing and chronic inflammationIncreased incidence of:• pathophysiological scars• pruritus and othersensory disturbances(e.g. hyperalgesia andallodynia)• heightened painsensationIncreased incidence of:• pruritus• heightened painsensation• paintranslation/developmentof chronic/persistentpainNGF Altered levels linked to disruption of normal wound healing processes Adverse impact on:• neurondevelopment/survival• inflammatory processesVariousNPs,histamineandkininsElevated levels linked to exaggeration of neurogenic inflammation,increased receptor hypersensitivity and aberrant re-innervation;including, density aberrancies and increased concentration of receptorssensitive to certain stimulants, such as Substance P and CGRP, thatdrive various outcomesIncreased incidence of:• pathophysiological scars• aberrant reinnervation/nervedensityIncreased incidence of:• pathophysiological scars• pruritus and othersensory disturbances• paintranslation/developmentof chronic/persistentpain• small nerve fiberneuropathy

Table 5.4Role of neuropeptides (NP) and other chemical mediators (CM) in pathophysiological scars andassociated sequelaeReferencesAkaishi S, Ogawa R, Hyakusoku H (2008) Keloid and hypertrophic scar: neurogenic inflammationhypotheses. Medical Hypotheses 71: 32–8.Akaishi S, Ogawa R, Hyakusoku H (2010). Visual and pathologic analyses of keloid growth patterns.Annals of Plastic Surgery 64(1): 80–82.Almarestani L, Longo G, Ribeiro-da-Silva A (2008) Autonomic fiber sprouting in the skin in chronicinflammation. Molecular Pain 4(1): 56.Anderson JR, Zorbas JS, Phillips JK, Harrison JL, Dawson LF, Bolt SE, Fear MW (2010) Systemicdecreases in cutaneous innervation after burn injury. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130:1948–1951;doi:10.1038/jid.2010.47.Avery NC, Bailey AJ (2008) Restraining cross-links responsible for the mechanical properties of collagenfibers: natural and artificial. In Fratzl P Collagen Structure and Mechanics, pp 81–110. New York: Springer.Barbe M (2012) Changes in fascia related to repetitive motion disorders – Opening Keynote. Lecture notesfrom The 3rd International Fascia Research Congress, Vancouver March 28–30 2012.Bayat A. McGrouther DA, Ferguson MWJ (2003) Skin scarring. British Medical Journal 326 (7380): 88.Bernabei R, Landi F, Bonini S et al (1999) Effect of topical application of nerve-growth factor on pressureulcers. Lancet 354: 307.Bhadal N, Wall IB, Porter SR, et al (2008) The effect of mechanical strain on protease production bykeratinocytes. British Journal of Dermatology 158(2): 396–8.Bond JS, Duncan JA, Mason T et al (2008) Scar redness in humans: how long does it persist after incisionaland excisional wounding? Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 121(2): 487–496.Bordoni B, Zanier E (2014) Skin, fascias, and scars: symptoms and systemic connections. Journal ofMultidisciplinary Healthcare 7: 11.Bouffard NA, Cutroneo KR, Badger GJ et al (2008) Tissue stretch decreases soluble TGF-β and type Iprocollagen in mouse subcutaneous connective tissue: Evidence from ex vivo and in vivo models. Journalof Cellular Physiology 214: 389–395.Bove GM, Chapelle SL (2012) Visceral mobilization can lyse and prevent peritoneal adhesions in a ratmodel. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 16(1): 76–82.Bran GM, Brom J, Hormann K, Stuck BA (2012) Auricular keloids: combined therapy with a new pressuredevice. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 14(1): 20–26.Broome CS, Miyan JA (2000) Neuropeptide control of bone marrow neutrophil production. A key axis forneuroimmunomodulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 917: 424–34.

Table 5.4

Role of neuropeptides (NP) and other chemical mediators (CM) in pathophysiological scars and

associated sequelae


Akaishi S, Ogawa R, Hyakusoku H (2008) Keloid and hypertrophic scar: neurogenic inflammation

hypotheses. Medical Hypotheses 71: 32–8.

Akaishi S, Ogawa R, Hyakusoku H (2010). Visual and pathologic analyses of keloid growth patterns.

Annals of Plastic Surgery 64(1): 80–82.

Almarestani L, Longo G, Ribeiro-da-Silva A (2008) Autonomic fiber sprouting in the skin in chronic

inflammation. Molecular Pain 4(1): 56.

Anderson JR, Zorbas JS, Phillips JK, Harrison JL, Dawson LF, Bolt SE, Fear MW (2010) Systemic

decreases in cutaneous innervation after burn injury. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 130:1948–1951;


Avery NC, Bailey AJ (2008) Restraining cross-links responsible for the mechanical properties of collagen

fibers: natural and artificial. In Fratzl P Collagen Structure and Mechanics, pp 81–110. New York: Springer.

Barbe M (2012) Changes in fascia related to repetitive motion disorders – Opening Keynote. Lecture notes

from The 3rd International Fascia Research Congress, Vancouver March 28–30 2012.

Bayat A. McGrouther DA, Ferguson MWJ (2003) Skin scarring. British Medical Journal 326 (7380): 88.

Bernabei R, Landi F, Bonini S et al (1999) Effect of topical application of nerve-growth factor on pressure

ulcers. Lancet 354: 307.

Bhadal N, Wall IB, Porter SR, et al (2008) The effect of mechanical strain on protease production by

keratinocytes. British Journal of Dermatology 158(2): 396–8.

Bond JS, Duncan JA, Mason T et al (2008) Scar redness in humans: how long does it persist after incisional

and excisional wounding? Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 121(2): 487–496.

Bordoni B, Zanier E (2014) Skin, fascias, and scars: symptoms and systemic connections. Journal of

Multidisciplinary Healthcare 7: 11.

Bouffard NA, Cutroneo KR, Badger GJ et al (2008) Tissue stretch decreases soluble TGF-β and type I

procollagen in mouse subcutaneous connective tissue: Evidence from ex vivo and in vivo models. Journal

of Cellular Physiology 214: 389–395.

Bove GM, Chapelle SL (2012) Visceral mobilization can lyse and prevent peritoneal adhesions in a rat

model. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 16(1): 76–82.

Bran GM, Brom J, Hormann K, Stuck BA (2012) Auricular keloids: combined therapy with a new pressure

device. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 14(1): 20–26.

Broome CS, Miyan JA (2000) Neuropeptide control of bone marrow neutrophil production. A key axis for

neuroimmunomodulation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 917: 424–34.

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