[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationOff-loading wound tension, and resultant responses via themechanotransduction pathway, can mitigate hypertrophic scarring andpromote healthy tissue regeneration (Garg et al. 2012). The extent to whichmechanotransduction effects can be influenced by manual methods remainsspeculative. However, there is evidence that alteration of local tissuetension can influence post-traumatic healing via mechanotransductionmediatedchanges in collagenase and TGFβ1 production (Langevin 2006,Tortora et al. 2007, Wipff & Hinz 2009, Chaitow 2014).

Clinical ConsiderationMechanical forces such as stretching tension, shear force, compression,hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure can be perceived by two generalclasses of receptors: sensory nerve receptors and receptors associated withthe mechanotransduction signaling system; such as integrins andmechanosensitive ion channel and cytoskeleton receptors (Ogawa 2011).Therefore clinical approaches aimed at attenuating mechanical forces andinfluencing such receptors ought to propel better outcomes in theprevention and treatment of scars.Degrees, Severity and Extent of Traumatic ScarsThe depth, severity, extent of the injury/trauma all factor significantly in thedesigning of safe and effective treatment protocols. Pre-existing health issuescan impair wound healing. Issues such as diabetes, immune suppressingconditions, heart disease and liver or kidney issues should be considered whenevaluating scar management protocol.The normal sequencing of the stages of wound healing, the time taken to fullmaturation and the quality of the end product (i.e. scar) depend on severalfactors (Kania 2012):• Depth of damage• Area of damage• Amount of tissue loss• Previous medical condition(s)• Genetic factors.With burn trauma in particular, there are four standard measurements of wounddepth thereby giving the healthcare professional a better understanding ofmuscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and a host of other considerations that mayhave been involved in the injury. The four measurements, expressed in degrees,

Clinical Consideration

Off-loading wound tension, and resultant responses via the

mechanotransduction pathway, can mitigate hypertrophic scarring and

promote healthy tissue regeneration (Garg et al. 2012). The extent to which

mechanotransduction effects can be influenced by manual methods remains

speculative. However, there is evidence that alteration of local tissue

tension can influence post-traumatic healing via mechanotransductionmediated

changes in collagenase and TGFβ1 production (Langevin 2006,

Tortora et al. 2007, Wipff & Hinz 2009, Chaitow 2014).

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