[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationAs noted above, undue mechanical tension is considered the mostsignificant causative factor associated with pathophysiological scarformation. Therefore it is suggested that stabilizing a scar during formationvia the control of mechanotransduction-mediated mechanical tension –involving MFBs – appears to be a primary target to prevent or reduce theincidence of pathophysiological scars. Additionally, sedation of exposednerve endings and attenuation of neurogenic inflammation are alsoimportant scar management considerations, as well as proper wounddressings to prevent infection and maintain proper wound hydration. Amultimodal approach to attenuating scar tensional stress and undue sensorystimulation will likely yield the best possible outcomes (Widgerow 2013).

Clinical ConsiderationCareful application of massage therapy during the repair process candecrease undue tissue tension. A decrease in mechanical tension canattenuate tension-driven responses. In addition to the influence ofmechanoreceptors on pain (via both ascending and descending pathways),mechanical stretching of fibroblasts can alter interstitial osmotic pressureas well as increase blood flow, thereby reducing concentrations of proinflammatorycytokines and reduce sensitization of peripheral nociceptors,by diluting the concentration of sensitizing agents (Fryer & Fossum 2009).

Clinical Consideration

Careful application of massage therapy during the repair process can

decrease undue tissue tension. A decrease in mechanical tension can

attenuate tension-driven responses. In addition to the influence of

mechanoreceptors on pain (via both ascending and descending pathways),

mechanical stretching of fibroblasts can alter interstitial osmotic pressure

as well as increase blood flow, thereby reducing concentrations of proinflammatory

cytokines and reduce sensitization of peripheral nociceptors,

by diluting the concentration of sensitizing agents (Fryer & Fossum 2009).

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