[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Table 5.3Scar types and related terms

Box 5.1Factors that drive excessive collagen proliferationDuring the remodeling stage, premature or anomalous mechanicalstrain/tensional loading can exaggerate scar tissue formation (Akaishi et al.2008, Wolfram et al. 2009, Bordoni & Zanier 2014).Rubbing or friction, for example, due to a wound dressing or bandagebeing too tight, can also result in an over-stimulation of inflammatoryresponse and subsequent pathological scar formation (Akaishi et al. 2008).According to Bordoni & Zanier (2014) the direction of the lesion may alsobe a consideration as those that lie horizontal to a body segment (e.g. calf)induce three times greater tensional pull (i.e. mechanical strain) on thedeveloping scar (Miyamoto et al. 2009). Although it seems plausible, it hasnot been confirmed whether lesion direction predisposes one to a higherincidence of pathophysiological scar formation or has an effect on the scaronce the healing process has concluded.Pathophysiological scars can perpetuate aberrant signaling (e.g. neuroinflammatoryand neurogenic signaling). This in turn can create a viscouscycle of persistent presence of pro-inflammatory and pain agents (e.g.substance P, calcitonin, cytokines and growth factors) further drivingexcessive/pathological scar formation.Inflammatory mediated disruption in the balance of fibrin-forming andfibrin-dissolving capacities, favoring un-checked fibrin deposition(Chapelle & Bove 2013).Breathing patterns, acidic pH and anxiety have also been identified as otherpotential contributing factors (Chaitow 2014).CT and fascia’s response to the internal (inflammatory mediators andgrowth factors) and external (mechanical strain) stresses applied willdetermine how the scar matures. The scar can become either dense and

Box 5.1

Factors that drive excessive collagen proliferation

During the remodeling stage, premature or anomalous mechanical

strain/tensional loading can exaggerate scar tissue formation (Akaishi et al.

2008, Wolfram et al. 2009, Bordoni & Zanier 2014).

Rubbing or friction, for example, due to a wound dressing or bandage

being too tight, can also result in an over-stimulation of inflammatory

response and subsequent pathological scar formation (Akaishi et al. 2008).

According to Bordoni & Zanier (2014) the direction of the lesion may also

be a consideration as those that lie horizontal to a body segment (e.g. calf)

induce three times greater tensional pull (i.e. mechanical strain) on the

developing scar (Miyamoto et al. 2009). Although it seems plausible, it has

not been confirmed whether lesion direction predisposes one to a higher

incidence of pathophysiological scar formation or has an effect on the scar

once the healing process has concluded.

Pathophysiological scars can perpetuate aberrant signaling (e.g. neuroinflammatory

and neurogenic signaling). This in turn can create a viscous

cycle of persistent presence of pro-inflammatory and pain agents (e.g.

substance P, calcitonin, cytokines and growth factors) further driving

excessive/pathological scar formation.

Inflammatory mediated disruption in the balance of fibrin-forming and

fibrin-dissolving capacities, favoring un-checked fibrin deposition

(Chapelle & Bove 2013).

Breathing patterns, acidic pH and anxiety have also been identified as other

potential contributing factors (Chaitow 2014).

CT and fascia’s response to the internal (inflammatory mediators and

growth factors) and external (mechanical strain) stresses applied will

determine how the scar matures. The scar can become either dense and

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