[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological considerationFibrosis is commonly considered to be a by-product of an abnormal or chronic inflammatory response as a resultof cumulative or overuse-type trauma, immobilization and poor wound healing. When not effectively managed,fibrosis can result in a milieu of functional deficits. The fall-out from fibrosis include the following and associatedsequelae: increased risk of recurrent injury, muscle contraction dysfunction, altered force transmission, impairedtissue; slide/glide and stretch, neural, circulatory and lymphatic compression, antalgia, pain and pain translation(i.e. shift from acute to chronic pain) (Simons, Travell & Simons 1999, Gabbiani 2003, Shah et al. 2005, 2008,Hinz 2007, Grinell 2008, Chiquet et al. 2009, Lowe 2009, Ciciliot & Schiaffino 2010).

Clinical considerationMechanical disruption of fibrotic tissue increases the pliability of scars (Bhadal et al. 2008, Chan et al. 2010, Choet al. 2014).

Pathophysiological consideration

Fibrosis is commonly considered to be a by-product of an abnormal or chronic inflammatory response as a result

of cumulative or overuse-type trauma, immobilization and poor wound healing. When not effectively managed,

fibrosis can result in a milieu of functional deficits. The fall-out from fibrosis include the following and associated

sequelae: increased risk of recurrent injury, muscle contraction dysfunction, altered force transmission, impaired

tissue; slide/glide and stretch, neural, circulatory and lymphatic compression, antalgia, pain and pain translation

(i.e. shift from acute to chronic pain) (Simons, Travell & Simons 1999, Gabbiani 2003, Shah et al. 2005, 2008,

Hinz 2007, Grinell 2008, Chiquet et al. 2009, Lowe 2009, Ciciliot & Schiaffino 2010).

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