[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological ConsiderationUnimpeded nerve conduction is essential to trophic effect (i.e. control andmaintenance of cellular function). When conduction is impeded or blocked,innervated structures become atrophic. Atrophic structures can becomehighly irritable and develop hypersensitivity (Cannon & Rosenblueth1949).Double-crush injuryWith double-crush injury, an axon compressed in one region can becomesusceptible to injury at another site (e.g. development of a cervical radiculopathyin conjunction with carpal tunnel syndrome) (Upton & McComas 1973,Moghtaderi & Izadi 2008, Coppieters & Nee 2012). Mechanisms similar to thoseassociated with sensitization are implicated.

Clinical ConsiderationWith double-crush injuries, failure to treat at multiple levels will result infailure to relieve the patient’s symptoms (Mackinnon 2002). This supportsthe importance of local and global treatment considerations (e.g. along thenerve path, corresponding myofascial meridians/myokinetic chains andneighboring tissue).

Pathophysiological Consideration

Unimpeded nerve conduction is essential to trophic effect (i.e. control and

maintenance of cellular function). When conduction is impeded or blocked,

innervated structures become atrophic. Atrophic structures can become

highly irritable and develop hypersensitivity (Cannon & Rosenblueth


Double-crush injury

With double-crush injury, an axon compressed in one region can become

susceptible to injury at another site (e.g. development of a cervical radiculopathy

in conjunction with carpal tunnel syndrome) (Upton & McComas 1973,

Moghtaderi & Izadi 2008, Coppieters & Nee 2012). Mechanisms similar to those

associated with sensitization are implicated.

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