[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


ExampleHypersensitive nerves (associated with muscle) are prone to spontaneouselectrical impulses that trigger false pain signals or provoke involuntarymuscular activity such as increased tone or tension (Culp & Ochoa 1982).In turn, this increase in tone/tension can subsequently increase the risk ofsecondary injury (e.g. sprain/strain, tendinopathies, MTrPs).

Clinical ConsiderationHypersensitive afferents can display other forms of aberrant behavior.


Hypersensitive nerves (associated with muscle) are prone to spontaneous

electrical impulses that trigger false pain signals or provoke involuntary

muscular activity such as increased tone or tension (Culp & Ochoa 1982).

In turn, this increase in tone/tension can subsequently increase the risk of

secondary injury (e.g. sprain/strain, tendinopathies, MTrPs).

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