[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationFollowing persistent inflammation in skeletal muscle, an increase in freenerve-ending fiber density in the perimysium can occur within 12 days.The mechanism proposed suggests NGF as the contributing factor to theincrease in substance P production in the dorsal root ganglion. Thisillustrates the rapidity with which the PNS can become ‘efficient’ at paintransmission and supports the importance of timely modulation of the earlyimmune response (Reinert et al. 1998, Waters-Banker et al. 2014).

Clinical ConsiderationA hypersensitive nerve – and whatever it supplies – tends to ‘overreact’ inresponse to many forms of stimulation, including innocuous stretch,movement and pressure (Sharpless 1975).

Clinical Consideration

A hypersensitive nerve – and whatever it supplies – tends to ‘overreact’ in

response to many forms of stimulation, including innocuous stretch,

movement and pressure (Sharpless 1975).

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