[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition

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NS Function

The primary functions of the NS include:

• Control and coordination of the body functions (e.g. those involved in

maintaining homeostasis)

• Receiving sensory impulses/information

• Analyzing and interpreting information and initiates responses

• Storing previous stimuli as the experiences or memory which can then guide or

influence future responses.

The NS mediates complex multisystem relationships. Together with the

endocrine system it controls and integrates the activities of the various parts of

the body. Like the connective tissue system, the NS is physically connected to

and communicates with all other systems of the body. Therefore any trauma or

conversely any beneficial effect on the NS has far reaching, multisystem


Proprioception, Interoception and Nociception


Although proprioception, the ability to sense bodywide and body part position,

location, orientation and movement, has been classically viewed as a muscle and

joint-related-tissue activity, current research supports that both skin and fascia

play an important role in proprioception as well.

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