[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition

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Clinical Consideration

Significant neural-mediated mechanisms or neurobiological functions have

been identified as potential catalysts for tissue changes that occur as a

result of manual manipulation. Of particular interest is CT and fascia’s

ability to change its fluid ratio. A change in local fluid dynamics can result

in a change in the viscosity of ground substance in the ECM. The shift

involves the nervous and vascular systems and CT cells (e.g.

myofibroblasts found in fascia). It has been determined that many of the

IRs can apparently influence plasma extra-vasation (i.e. the movement of

plasma from blood vessels into the ECM (Kruger 1987), see Figure 4.10

and Table 4.1.

With manually applied techniques, the degree, direction and duration of

application factor significantly into the desired therapeutic outcomes as each of

these elements influence the various mechanoreceptors in a variety of ways.

Golgi receptors and Golgi tendon organs

Golgi receptors and Golgi tendon organs (GR/GTO) are:

• Found in dense fascia, joint related tissues, and near myotendinous junctions

• Known, thus far, to respond to contractile tension and active moderate,

sustained stretch – to what extent manually applied load can elicit Golgi

responses remains unclear (Schleip 2003a, 2003b)

• Therapeutic outcome is a tonus decrease in related motor fibers.

Large Pacini and paciniform corpuscles

Large Pacini and paciniform corpuscles:

• Are found in layers of deeper skin and deeper, dense fascia

• Have an affinity for vibration, pressure changes and light, brief tangential


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