[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationThere is an extensive network of nerve fibers in the fascia surrounding themuscles in the low back region. Tissues in this region are required toperceive complex information and perform highly complex functions.

Clinical ConsiderationHigher nerve fiber condensations are found near and around blood vesselsin the deep layer of fascia. It is suggested that the higher condensationshere are related to fascia’s ability to adjust its viscosity in response todemand (Stecco el al. 2006). Fascial fluid dynamics involve the extrusionof plasma from blood vessels into the interstitial fluid matrix (Kruger1987). In turn, changes in local fluid dynamics result in changes in theviscosity of the extracellular matrix.

Clinical Consideration

Higher nerve fiber condensations are found near and around blood vessels

in the deep layer of fascia. It is suggested that the higher condensations

here are related to fascia’s ability to adjust its viscosity in response to

demand (Stecco el al. 2006). Fascial fluid dynamics involve the extrusion

of plasma from blood vessels into the interstitial fluid matrix (Kruger

1987). In turn, changes in local fluid dynamics result in changes in the

viscosity of the extracellular matrix.

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