[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 4.9Neurofascial envelopes.

Clinical ConsiderationThe space between the distinct neurofascial coverings comprises a delicate,areolar CT much like that seen in the sliding layers associated with muscleand fascia. This layer is presumed to provide a similar sliding function andpresent with similar consequences when impacted by injury and trauma.Peripheral nerves – wrapped in their neurofascial envelopes – travel throughoutthe body within fascial clefts or cleavage planes that function as ‘neutral motioncorridors’. These protective corridors help safeguard the nerve from compressionand over extension. As the nerve and its protective coverings are connected viainvesting fibers, whatever impacts the various layers of the neurofascial corridorhas great potential to impact the enveloped nerve.

Clinical Consideration

The space between the distinct neurofascial coverings comprises a delicate,

areolar CT much like that seen in the sliding layers associated with muscle

and fascia. This layer is presumed to provide a similar sliding function and

present with similar consequences when impacted by injury and trauma.

Peripheral nerves – wrapped in their neurofascial envelopes – travel throughout

the body within fascial clefts or cleavage planes that function as ‘neutral motion

corridors’. These protective corridors help safeguard the nerve from compression

and over extension. As the nerve and its protective coverings are connected via

investing fibers, whatever impacts the various layers of the neurofascial corridor

has great potential to impact the enveloped nerve.

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