[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Neurons• Excitable nerve cells and their processes (dendrites and axons), which transmitinformation in the form of electrical signals to other neurons and other cells ofthe body (Fig. 4.3).• Sensory neurons provide information about the body’s internal and externalenvironment.• Motor neurons assist with reaction or response to the environment.• Interneurons form connections between neurons and function as a relay station;for example, in the spinal cord a fast-track connection between a sensory andmotor neuron creates a reflex arc which speeds reaction time as it cuts out themiddle man … the brain.Neuroglia (glia)• Specialized connective tissue cells• Ensure the health of neurons and support their function (e.g. create the blood–brain barrier, marshal immune responses, transport of nutrients, clean updebris, help secure neurons in place and produce myelin).In addition to the two main cells, the CNS comprises extracellular matrix(ECM), gray and white matter. ECM within the CNS is histologically similar tothe presentation outlined in Chapter 2.CNS gray matter comprises the cell bodies, neuronal dendrites and axons andsynapses between neurons. Synapses facilitate communication between neuronsand other tissues. Neuronal dendrites are covered with synapse terminations thatcommunicate with the terminations of adjacent axons. Each neuron cancommunicate with roughly 10 000 other neurons. Some axons can synapsedirectly onto:


• Excitable nerve cells and their processes (dendrites and axons), which transmit

information in the form of electrical signals to other neurons and other cells of

the body (Fig. 4.3).

• Sensory neurons provide information about the body’s internal and external


• Motor neurons assist with reaction or response to the environment.

• Interneurons form connections between neurons and function as a relay station;

for example, in the spinal cord a fast-track connection between a sensory and

motor neuron creates a reflex arc which speeds reaction time as it cuts out the

middle man … the brain.

Neuroglia (glia)

• Specialized connective tissue cells

• Ensure the health of neurons and support their function (e.g. create the blood–

brain barrier, marshal immune responses, transport of nutrients, clean up

debris, help secure neurons in place and produce myelin).

In addition to the two main cells, the CNS comprises extracellular matrix

(ECM), gray and white matter. ECM within the CNS is histologically similar to

the presentation outlined in Chapter 2.

CNS gray matter comprises the cell bodies, neuronal dendrites and axons and

synapses between neurons. Synapses facilitate communication between neurons

and other tissues. Neuronal dendrites are covered with synapse terminations that

communicate with the terminations of adjacent axons. Each neuron can

communicate with roughly 10 000 other neurons. Some axons can synapse

directly onto:

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