[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 3.6Bloodvascular circulation loop and lymph transport flow.Acute lymphangitis is a bacterial infection in the lymphatic vessels, which ischaracterized by painful, red streaks below the skin surface. This is a potentiallyserious infection that can rapidly spread to the bloodstream and be fatal.Lymph nodes are filters that can catch malignant tumor cells or infectiousorganisms. When they do, lymph nodes increase in size and are easily felt.While lymph nodes are the most common cause of a lump or a bump in the neck,there are other, much less common causes, e.g. cysts from abnormalities of fetaldevelopment or thyroid gland enlargement.

Wound HealingAs with the blood vascular system, successful tissue repair requires the regrowthand reconnection of lymphatic structures. In the early stages of wound healing,the formation of lymphatic vessels in circumferential wounds helps bridge themargins of a newly forming scar (Bellman & Oden 1958, Oliver & Detmar2002).In full-thickness skin wounds angiogenesis in newly formed granulation tissuelargely dominates the delayed and comparatively less pronounced formation ofnew lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) (Paavonen et al. 2000, Oliver &Detmar 2002).During tissue repair, lymphatic vessels reconnect with lymphatic vessels – notwith blood vessels – and cultured lymphatic endothelial cells remain separatefrom blood vascular endothelial cells during tube formation in vitro (Kriehuberet al. 2001).It is known that in adults lymphangiogenesis can occur by outgrowth from preexistinglymph vessels (Clark & Clark 1932, Paavonen et al. 2000) but it isunclear if during tissue repair lymphangiogenesis involves progenitor cells, as inangiogenesis.Impact of Trauma and Pathophysiological Scars onthe Lymphatic SystemTrauma and scars can disrupt the network of lymph capillaries, which can hinderfluid drainage and negatively affect the healing process.The development of scar tissue that hinders the flow of lymph can have variouscauses:• Surgical procedures that interrupt normal lymphatic function, such as surgeryfor cancer in the breast or groin areas, may prevent lymph flowing naturallythrough its system (Zuther 2011)• Radiation therapy can damage an otherwise healthy lymphatic system bycausing scar tissue to form, subsequently interrupting the normal flow of

Wound Healing

As with the blood vascular system, successful tissue repair requires the regrowth

and reconnection of lymphatic structures. In the early stages of wound healing,

the formation of lymphatic vessels in circumferential wounds helps bridge the

margins of a newly forming scar (Bellman & Oden 1958, Oliver & Detmar


In full-thickness skin wounds angiogenesis in newly formed granulation tissue

largely dominates the delayed and comparatively less pronounced formation of

new lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) (Paavonen et al. 2000, Oliver &

Detmar 2002).

During tissue repair, lymphatic vessels reconnect with lymphatic vessels – not

with blood vessels – and cultured lymphatic endothelial cells remain separate

from blood vascular endothelial cells during tube formation in vitro (Kriehuber

et al. 2001).

It is known that in adults lymphangiogenesis can occur by outgrowth from preexisting

lymph vessels (Clark & Clark 1932, Paavonen et al. 2000) but it is

unclear if during tissue repair lymphangiogenesis involves progenitor cells, as in


Impact of Trauma and Pathophysiological Scars on

the Lymphatic System

Trauma and scars can disrupt the network of lymph capillaries, which can hinder

fluid drainage and negatively affect the healing process.

The development of scar tissue that hinders the flow of lymph can have various


• Surgical procedures that interrupt normal lymphatic function, such as surgery

for cancer in the breast or groin areas, may prevent lymph flowing naturally

through its system (Zuther 2011)

• Radiation therapy can damage an otherwise healthy lymphatic system by

causing scar tissue to form, subsequently interrupting the normal flow of

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