[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


ImmunityLymph nodes play an important part in the body’s defense against infection.Many immune reactions occur in the lymph nodes. Swelling might occur even ifthe infection is trivial or not apparent.The lymphatic system aids the immune system in destroying pathogens andfiltering waste so that the lymph can be safely returned to the circulatory system.Lymphocytes – the main cell type found in lymph – constitute the three types ofWBCs: NK (natural killer), T and B cells. Lymphocytes are a part of the immunesystem, directly attacking foreign bodies with T cells and macrophages andindirectly with B cell that produce antibodies (Zuther 2011). Antibodiesproduced in lymph nodes travel in the lymph to the bloodstream for distributionin the body. Lymphocytes in the nodes and the spleen attack foreign invaders inthe system.In tissues affected by lymphedema, the lymph is unable to drain properly.Instead, the protein-rich lymph becomes stagnant within these swollen tissues.When bacteria enter this fluid through a break in the skin, they thrive on thisprotein-rich fluid. This is why lymphedema-affected tissues are prone toinfections.Lymphadenitis is an infection and inflammation of one or more of the lymphnodes and usually results from an infection that begins near a lymph node. Oftencaused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, this condition affects the nodes in theneck, groin and armpit. It sometimes strikes individuals who have had coronaryartery bypasses using a saphenous vein from the leg: the removal of this vein isaccompanied by removal of related structures of the lymphatic system, loweringimmunity to infection.


Lymph nodes play an important part in the body’s defense against infection.

Many immune reactions occur in the lymph nodes. Swelling might occur even if

the infection is trivial or not apparent.

The lymphatic system aids the immune system in destroying pathogens and

filtering waste so that the lymph can be safely returned to the circulatory system.

Lymphocytes – the main cell type found in lymph – constitute the three types of

WBCs: NK (natural killer), T and B cells. Lymphocytes are a part of the immune

system, directly attacking foreign bodies with T cells and macrophages and

indirectly with B cell that produce antibodies (Zuther 2011). Antibodies

produced in lymph nodes travel in the lymph to the bloodstream for distribution

in the body. Lymphocytes in the nodes and the spleen attack foreign invaders in

the system.

In tissues affected by lymphedema, the lymph is unable to drain properly.

Instead, the protein-rich lymph becomes stagnant within these swollen tissues.

When bacteria enter this fluid through a break in the skin, they thrive on this

protein-rich fluid. This is why lymphedema-affected tissues are prone to


Lymphadenitis is an infection and inflammation of one or more of the lymph

nodes and usually results from an infection that begins near a lymph node. Often

caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, this condition affects the nodes in the

neck, groin and armpit. It sometimes strikes individuals who have had coronary

artery bypasses using a saphenous vein from the leg: the removal of this vein is

accompanied by removal of related structures of the lymphatic system, lowering

immunity to infection.

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