[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


SuperficialThe superficial layer is responsible for the drainage of the epidermis, dermis andsubcutaneous tissue. The superficial transport of lymph is a system that isembedded in the subcutaneous tissue or superficial fascia.

DeepThe deeper layer of the lymphatic system drains lymph from tendon sheaths,muscle tissue, nerves, the periosteum and most joint structures – with theexception of a few distal joints of the extremities that drain via the superficialnodes (Zuther 2011). The deeper lymphatic transport vessels are usually groupedtogether in the same fascial tunnel with blood vessels and nerves.Perforating vessels connect the deep lymphatic system with the superficiallymphatic system (Zuther 2011). Internal organs, such as the spleen, are in asubcategory of the deep lymphatic system.


The superficial layer is responsible for the drainage of the epidermis, dermis and

subcutaneous tissue. The superficial transport of lymph is a system that is

embedded in the subcutaneous tissue or superficial fascia.

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