[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 3.2Lymph node structure.The lymph system is present throughout the body. Common areas whereenlarged lymph nodes can be felt (palpable nodes) include: the popliteal,inguinal, axilla and neck regions; under the jaw and chin; behind the ears; andover the occiput. There are also non-palpable lymph nodes in the abdomen,pelvis and chest regions. Their function is the same regardless of their location.The lymph passes through numerous lymph nodes where the cleaning andfiltering process is carried out (Marieb 2003).

Figure 3.2

Lymph node structure.

The lymph system is present throughout the body. Common areas where

enlarged lymph nodes can be felt (palpable nodes) include: the popliteal,

inguinal, axilla and neck regions; under the jaw and chin; behind the ears; and

over the occiput. There are also non-palpable lymph nodes in the abdomen,

pelvis and chest regions. Their function is the same regardless of their location.

The lymph passes through numerous lymph nodes where the cleaning and

filtering process is carried out (Marieb 2003).

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