[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 3.1Lymph tissue structure.In another section of the node, lymphocytes, specialized white blood cells(WBCs), kill pathogens that may be present. When inflammation is part of theprotective process this sometimes results in the swelling commonly identified asswollen glands. Lymph nodes also trap cancer cells, with the ability to slow thespread of the cancer, until the system becomes overwhelmed.Lymph nodes are typically kidney shaped and less than an inch (2.5 cm) indiameter but can fluctuate in both shape and size. Lymph nodes are embeddedwithin the fascia and are surrounded by trabeculae – fibrous CT that divides thecapsule into numerous compartments and provides structural support (Marieb2003).

Figure 3.1

Lymph tissue structure.

In another section of the node, lymphocytes, specialized white blood cells

(WBCs), kill pathogens that may be present. When inflammation is part of the

protective process this sometimes results in the swelling commonly identified as

swollen glands. Lymph nodes also trap cancer cells, with the ability to slow the

spread of the cancer, until the system becomes overwhelmed.

Lymph nodes are typically kidney shaped and less than an inch (2.5 cm) in

diameter but can fluctuate in both shape and size. Lymph nodes are embedded

within the fascia and are surrounded by trabeculae – fibrous CT that divides the

capsule into numerous compartments and provides structural support (Marieb


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