[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Hematic SystemThe heart, blood vessels and blood constitute the main components of thisclosed-loop system with the heart as its central pump.The part of the hematic system that delivers blood to and from the lungs isknown as the pulmonary circulation, and the flow of blood throughout the rest ofthe body is administered by the systemic circulation. The hematic system playsan integral role in the removal of waste products associated with metabolism andthe transportation of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), chemical substances(e.g. hormones, nutrients, salts), and cells that defend the body. Additionally, thissystem helps regulate the body’s fluid and electrolyte balance, pH and bodytemperature, and helps protect the body from infection and loss of blood by theaction of clotting.As noted in Chapter 2, the hematic system plays an important role in woundrepair and healing. In the early stages of wound healing angiogenesis, theformation of capillary-sized microvessels ensure the delivery of blood-bornecells, nutrients and oxygen to areas undergoing remodeling.

Immune SystemThe immune system is a collection of cells (e.g. mast cells, macrophages,neutrophils), tissues and organs (e.g. skin, bloodstream, lymph nodes, thymus,spleen, mucosal tissue) with the skin constituting the first ‘line-of-defense’.All immune cells originate from precursors in the bone marrow and developthrough a series of changes that occur in various tissues and organs.Immune response protects the body against pathogens that could threaten theorganism’s viability. As noted in Chapter 2, the immune system plays animportant role in wound repair/healing.

Immune System

The immune system is a collection of cells (e.g. mast cells, macrophages,

neutrophils), tissues and organs (e.g. skin, bloodstream, lymph nodes, thymus,

spleen, mucosal tissue) with the skin constituting the first ‘line-of-defense’.

All immune cells originate from precursors in the bone marrow and develop

through a series of changes that occur in various tissues and organs.

Immune response protects the body against pathogens that could threaten the

organism’s viability. As noted in Chapter 2, the immune system plays an

important role in wound repair/healing.

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