[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


mesh.There is often an abundance of elastin fibers in SF which augments its recoilcapabilities (i.e. its ability to expand and return to its previous state). The SF isthe intermediary between the skin and the deep fascia – interspersed slidinglayers allow for independent motion of the various layers (e.g. skin, superficialand deep fascia).The SF serves as an insulator, a reservoir for fat storage, and provides apassageway for larger nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. The SF supports thepatency (openness) of these passageways (i.e. neurovascular tracts) and theneurovascular structures within (Stecco et al. 2009). Many nerves track throughthe SF and Pacinian corpuscles (i.e. deep pressure receptors) and nociceptors arefound within it.

Clinical ConsiderationSuperficial and deep layers of the thoracolumbar fascia may be a source ofnociceptive input in low back pain (Yahia et al. 1992, Bednar et al. 1995,Taguchi et al. 2009, Tesarz et al. 2011).


There is often an abundance of elastin fibers in SF which augments its recoil

capabilities (i.e. its ability to expand and return to its previous state). The SF is

the intermediary between the skin and the deep fascia – interspersed sliding

layers allow for independent motion of the various layers (e.g. skin, superficial

and deep fascia).

The SF serves as an insulator, a reservoir for fat storage, and provides a

passageway for larger nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels. The SF supports the

patency (openness) of these passageways (i.e. neurovascular tracts) and the

neurovascular structures within (Stecco et al. 2009). Many nerves track through

the SF and Pacinian corpuscles (i.e. deep pressure receptors) and nociceptors are

found within it.

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