[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Clinical ConsiderationThe presence of higher than normal concentration of MFBs in injured andscarred fascia further accentuates its ability to contract/influence tension(e.g. contractures, fibrosis) resulting in subsequent pain and dysfunction.It is suggested that MFBs also play a role in issues associated with decreasedmyofascial tension or hypermobility (e.g. peri-partum pelvic pain due to pelvicinstability, sacroiliac joint force closure dysfunction or back pain due to spinalsegmental instability) (Schleip et al. 2012).MFBs are also present in normal healthy fascia implying a valid – homeostatic –functional purpose (Wilson & Dahners 1988, Murray & Spector 1999, Ralphs etal. 2002). For example, MFBs provide fascia with the ability to remodel itself inresponse to normal daily movement and activity demands (adaptation). Recallfrom page 12: fibrocollagenous tissue morphology is shaped by tensionalloading. Demand (mechanical/tensile forces) invokes MFB proliferation andtherefore (normally) higher concentrations of MFBs are typically present indense presentations of fascia commonly subjected to higher tensional demands(e.g. those that play a significant role in stability and support, fascia lata, plantar,crural and thoroacolumbar fascia, perimysium).Biomechanically, interactions between MFBs and the ECM contribute to wholebody mobility and tensional integrity or biotensegrity (Schleip et al. 2005,Guimberteau 2007, Ingber 2008, Levin & Martin 2012).Fibrous ProteinsFascia is constructed from two predominant fiber types:• Collagen• Elastin.

CollagenCollagen is the most abundant fiber type found throughout fascia. Various typesof collagen occur in the human body (Type I is the most predominant) (Gelse etal. 2003, Gartner & Hiatt 2007, Gordon & Hahn 2010, Ross & Pawlina 2011,Kumka & Bonar 2012).Collagen cross-linking, a chemical bond between adjacent collagen fibers, playsa significant role in tissue integrity. Physiological linkage augments mechanicalstability, however excessive (pathological) cross-links can interfere with slidepotential and contribute to mobility restrictions. Conversely, insufficient orunstable bonds can result in diminished tissue integrity.Collagen provides tensile strength, guards against over extension and can ‘storeand release’ energy (can store and release an equal amount of energy whilestretching only 100th the amount of elastin) (Zorn 2011). This is often referred toas catapult or rebound effect. Collagen fibers are somewhat firm yet pliant andable to yield to force (e.g. they can bend, twist and lengthen). Collagen’s elasticstiffeningpotential (viscoelastic property) is considered to be one of its definingfeatures (Zorn & Hodeck 2011). Normal healthy collagen fibers display adistinctive ‘wavy/crimped’ formation which factors into normal healthyfunctioning (e.g. force transmission and energy facilitation).Adequate hydration is vital to collagen health and functioning. Dehydration hasbeen identified as an initiator of inflammatory response in collagen and oncepresent, inflammatory mediators can contribute to tension held in collagenoustissues (e.g. skin and fascia). As previously noted, dehydration also decreases thefluid-bulk of GS which can result in pathological collagen cross linking,diminished lubrication and reduced tensile strength.Type I collagen is the fiber type typically laiddown during tissue remodeling.Under healthy normal circumstances, collagen turnover (reconstruction phase ofhealing) lasts from 300 to 500 days, meaning it takes that length of time forcollagen to fully mature – an important consideration in post-trauma recoveryand rehabilitation (van den Berg 2010).Kumka and Bonar (2012) note that if function changes (e.g. increasedmechanical strain, insufficient mechanical strain or prolonged immobilization),


Collagen is the most abundant fiber type found throughout fascia. Various types

of collagen occur in the human body (Type I is the most predominant) (Gelse et

al. 2003, Gartner & Hiatt 2007, Gordon & Hahn 2010, Ross & Pawlina 2011,

Kumka & Bonar 2012).

Collagen cross-linking, a chemical bond between adjacent collagen fibers, plays

a significant role in tissue integrity. Physiological linkage augments mechanical

stability, however excessive (pathological) cross-links can interfere with slide

potential and contribute to mobility restrictions. Conversely, insufficient or

unstable bonds can result in diminished tissue integrity.

Collagen provides tensile strength, guards against over extension and can ‘store

and release’ energy (can store and release an equal amount of energy while

stretching only 100th the amount of elastin) (Zorn 2011). This is often referred to

as catapult or rebound effect. Collagen fibers are somewhat firm yet pliant and

able to yield to force (e.g. they can bend, twist and lengthen). Collagen’s elasticstiffening

potential (viscoelastic property) is considered to be one of its defining

features (Zorn & Hodeck 2011). Normal healthy collagen fibers display a

distinctive ‘wavy/crimped’ formation which factors into normal healthy

functioning (e.g. force transmission and energy facilitation).

Adequate hydration is vital to collagen health and functioning. Dehydration has

been identified as an initiator of inflammatory response in collagen and once

present, inflammatory mediators can contribute to tension held in collagenous

tissues (e.g. skin and fascia). As previously noted, dehydration also decreases the

fluid-bulk of GS which can result in pathological collagen cross linking,

diminished lubrication and reduced tensile strength.

Type I collagen is the fiber type typically laiddown during tissue remodeling.

Under healthy normal circumstances, collagen turnover (reconstruction phase of

healing) lasts from 300 to 500 days, meaning it takes that length of time for

collagen to fully mature – an important consideration in post-trauma recovery

and rehabilitation (van den Berg 2010).

Kumka and Bonar (2012) note that if function changes (e.g. increased

mechanical strain, insufficient mechanical strain or prolonged immobilization),

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