[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Figure 2.2The delicate, well-hydrated, loose network of connective tissue that augments tissue excursion andmovement. The sliding mechanism/system comprises a continuous structure composed of billions ofmicrovacuolar components (polyhedron ‘bubbles’) that allow for structures to move freely withoutanything else moving around them. Collagen and elastin fibrils form the framework of themicrovacuolar bubbles. (Reproduced from Guimberteau and Armstrong: Architecture of HumanLiving Fascia, 2015, published by Handspring Publishing with kind permission from Dr J-CGuimberteau & Endovivo Productions.)Skin layers and Functions (Marieb et al. 2012)The skin comprises two primary layers:• Epidermis• Dermis.

Figure 2.2

The delicate, well-hydrated, loose network of connective tissue that augments tissue excursion and

movement. The sliding mechanism/system comprises a continuous structure composed of billions of

microvacuolar components (polyhedron ‘bubbles’) that allow for structures to move freely without

anything else moving around them. Collagen and elastin fibrils form the framework of the

microvacuolar bubbles. (Reproduced from Guimberteau and Armstrong: Architecture of Human

Living Fascia, 2015, published by Handspring Publishing with kind permission from Dr J-C

Guimberteau & Endovivo Productions.)

Skin layers and Functions (Marieb et al. 2012)

The skin comprises two primary layers:

• Epidermis

• Dermis.

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