[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


transmitted signals, allowing cells to make rapid and flexible responses. Inaddition to evoking biochemical responses, the internal to external and cell-tocelllinkage mechanism provides the means by which the organism can senseand respond to mechanical demand or forces placed upon it – monitoring andregulating ‘enough tension’ to ensure the shape and integrity of any given celland the entire musculoskeletal/myofascial system.

transmitted signals, allowing cells to make rapid and flexible responses. In

addition to evoking biochemical responses, the internal to external and cell-tocell

linkage mechanism provides the means by which the organism can sense

and respond to mechanical demand or forces placed upon it – monitoring and

regulating ‘enough tension’ to ensure the shape and integrity of any given cell

and the entire musculoskeletal/myofascial system.

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