[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Pathophysiological ConsiderationAge-related changes seen in fascia show some similar characteristics tothose seen in injured fascia such as tangled pathological cross-links, lesscoherent collagen fiber arrangement, under-hydrated and less wavy orcrimped collagen (‘collagen crimp’). Such changes can impact tissue slideand glide, elasticity and mobility, and can impact proprioceptivefunctioning (e.g. balance, motor control and sensory awareness).

HyaluronanThis hydrophilic, viscous lubricant is found throughout fascia, skin and neuraltissue. Hyaluronan (HA) is involved in a variety of physiological and mechanicalfunctions such as wound healing, lubrication, cellular signaling, maintainingosmotic balance and tissue hydration (Liao et al. 2005, Matteini et al. 2009).HA helps reduce the impact of compressive forces in synovial-joint relatedtissues and improves slide/glide between various structural proteins and layers ofadjacent tissue (e.g. between various layers of fascia and between muscle fibers)(McCombe et al. 2001, Stecco et al. 2011). HA and the sliding mechanism willbe covered in greater detail later in this chapter.


This hydrophilic, viscous lubricant is found throughout fascia, skin and neural

tissue. Hyaluronan (HA) is involved in a variety of physiological and mechanical

functions such as wound healing, lubrication, cellular signaling, maintaining

osmotic balance and tissue hydration (Liao et al. 2005, Matteini et al. 2009).

HA helps reduce the impact of compressive forces in synovial-joint related

tissues and improves slide/glide between various structural proteins and layers of

adjacent tissue (e.g. between various layers of fascia and between muscle fibers)

(McCombe et al. 2001, Stecco et al. 2011). HA and the sliding mechanism will

be covered in greater detail later in this chapter.

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