[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


WaterWater plays an important role in viscoelasticity and lubrication. Water alsoserves as a transport system and solvent. Up to 80% of the human body is water(in bound and unbound states).

Pathophysiological ConsiderationIn addition to tissue dehydration seen with trauma, our water volume tendsto diminish as we age. Under-hydration may play a role in age-relatedcollagen changes and the pain and dysfunction that accompanies suchchanges (Purslow & Delage 2012). The clinical significance of the impactof tissue dehydration is discussed further throughout this chapter.


Water plays an important role in viscoelasticity and lubrication. Water also

serves as a transport system and solvent. Up to 80% of the human body is water

(in bound and unbound states).

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