[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


ThixotrophyThe process by which thermal or mechanical energy causes GS colloids to shiftfrom a gel-like/gluey consistency to a more watery, liquid (sol) consistency.When energy (movement, mechanical strain of tissue) is present or initiated thecolloids are more sol; when this energy is removed or is undisturbed the colloidsare more gel.Torsion/rotationA therapeutic loading technique involving twisting-type loading; essentially acombination of compression and tension where there is simultaneouscompression of some fibers with elongation of others. Outcomes are the same asthose associated with compression and tension techniques.

Trait anxietyA more intense degree anxiety toward a broader range of situations or objects –considered a perceptive personality characteristic rather than a temporaryfeeling.Transdermal/transepidermal water loss (TWL or TEWL)A measure of skin barrier function associated with dermatology and connectedsciences, it is the measurement of the quantity of water that passes from inside abody through the epidermal layer to the surrounding atmosphere via diffusionand evaporation processes.


The process by which thermal or mechanical energy causes GS colloids to shift

from a gel-like/gluey consistency to a more watery, liquid (sol) consistency.

When energy (movement, mechanical strain of tissue) is present or initiated the

colloids are more sol; when this energy is removed or is undisturbed the colloids

are more gel.


A therapeutic loading technique involving twisting-type loading; essentially a

combination of compression and tension where there is simultaneous

compression of some fibers with elongation of others. Outcomes are the same as

those associated with compression and tension techniques.

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