[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Structural proteinsStructural struts that while variably flexible, provide strength and stability (e.g.collagen and elastin).

Substance PA neuropeptide acting as a neurotransmitter and as a neuromodulator, it isnormally present in minute quantities in the NS and intestines and is found inhigher concentrations in inflamed tissue. Substance P is a potent vasodilator andstimulator of smooth muscle contraction and plays a significant role in painsensation and the transmission of pain impulses from peripheral receptors to theCNS. Substance P is also indicated in the regulation of depression and anxiety.Superficial fascia (SF) (aka panniculus fascia)Continuous with the dermis, the SF lies directly beneath the skin, supporting theskin’s structural integrity. Essentially, the SF surrounds the entire torso and theextremities, surrounding organs, glands and (most but not all) neurovasculartissues – many of the larger circulatory, lymphatic and neural structures trackthrough the SF.Sympathetic nervous system (SNS)Mediates activity associated with emergency or stress response. When activated,the SNS facilitates: acceleration of heart rate; elevation of blood pressure;constriction of peripheral blood vessels; and redirection of blood from the skinand intestines to the brain, heart and skeletal muscles.

Structural proteins

Structural struts that while variably flexible, provide strength and stability (e.g.

collagen and elastin).

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