[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


NKSMy amazing partner and family, thank you for your love, support andencouragement and all of the ways you enrich my life and nourish my soul.Aleila, thank you for being the consummate role model of integrity, graciousnessand working for the greater good – you inspire me daily.Nancy Keeney Smith, thank you for boldly stepping into the world of massagetherapy (MT) research and for having the courage to challenge the status quo. Iam humbled by your knowledge, passion, compassion and dedication and all youdo for those who grace your treatment table. You rock sister-friend.Thank you to the lovely Mary Law who, serendipitously, brought Nancy and Itogether to collaborate on this book. And thank you to all the fine people atHandspring for their interest in and devotion to publishing bodywork, movementand manual therapy materials for the professional. Lynn Watt (our editor) – youare the bomb!Over a lengthy career I have had the great privilege of being in the company of,and to learn from, outstanding educators, colleagues and students. A few that Iacknowledge here have not only impacted me in significant ways but have alsocontributed, immeasurably, to progressing the profession: Andrew Lewarne,Annette Ruitenbeek, Donelda Gowan-Moody, Pamela Fitch and Rick Overeem –thank you all. Doug Alexander, thank you for your mentoring and for providingme with a garden to cultivate my writing. Susan Brimner, thank you for beingthe best MT teacher a fledgling could have ever hoped for and for introducingme to the world of scar tissue massage.Thank you to all who support, promote and engage in MT research. I, like many,continually evolve and elevate my quality of care because of your efforts.RMTBC, I so appreciate your research efforts and research library.Thank you to the Canadian Massage Therapy regulatory colleges for all you doto establish and ensure high professional standards and registrant delivery ofsafe, effective and ethical care.To all who have graced my treatment table: it has been a privilege to facilitatecare on your behalf. You have taught me and touched me in deeply meaningfulways.

Lastly, thank you, the reader; the true value of this book will be revealed throughyour hands … off the page and on to the table.


My amazing partner and family, thank you for your love, support and

encouragement and all of the ways you enrich my life and nourish my soul.

Aleila, thank you for being the consummate role model of integrity, graciousness

and working for the greater good – you inspire me daily.

Nancy Keeney Smith, thank you for boldly stepping into the world of massage

therapy (MT) research and for having the courage to challenge the status quo. I

am humbled by your knowledge, passion, compassion and dedication and all you

do for those who grace your treatment table. You rock sister-friend.

Thank you to the lovely Mary Law who, serendipitously, brought Nancy and I

together to collaborate on this book. And thank you to all the fine people at

Handspring for their interest in and devotion to publishing bodywork, movement

and manual therapy materials for the professional. Lynn Watt (our editor) – you

are the bomb!

Over a lengthy career I have had the great privilege of being in the company of,

and to learn from, outstanding educators, colleagues and students. A few that I

acknowledge here have not only impacted me in significant ways but have also

contributed, immeasurably, to progressing the profession: Andrew Lewarne,

Annette Ruitenbeek, Donelda Gowan-Moody, Pamela Fitch and Rick Overeem –

thank you all. Doug Alexander, thank you for your mentoring and for providing

me with a garden to cultivate my writing. Susan Brimner, thank you for being

the best MT teacher a fledgling could have ever hoped for and for introducing

me to the world of scar tissue massage.

Thank you to all who support, promote and engage in MT research. I, like many,

continually evolve and elevate my quality of care because of your efforts.

RMTBC, I so appreciate your research efforts and research library.

Thank you to the Canadian Massage Therapy regulatory colleges for all you do

to establish and ensure high professional standards and registrant delivery of

safe, effective and ethical care.

To all who have graced my treatment table: it has been a privilege to facilitate

care on your behalf. You have taught me and touched me in deeply meaningful


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