[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


StressAny physical, physiological or psychological stimulus that disrupts homeostasis.Stress is further defined as the relationship between the person and theenvironment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his/herresources and endangering his/her well-being. Appraisal and coping are key tothis definition and lead to the subjective experience of stress. Also, generallyspeaking, the degree of perceived threat (appraisal) influences the magnitude ofthe stress response.

Stress response adaptationAny of the vast array of potential stress responses, such as fight, flight, freezeand tend/befriend.


Any physical, physiological or psychological stimulus that disrupts homeostasis.

Stress is further defined as the relationship between the person and the

environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his/her

resources and endangering his/her well-being. Appraisal and coping are key to

this definition and lead to the subjective experience of stress. Also, generally

speaking, the degree of perceived threat (appraisal) influences the magnitude of

the stress response.

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