[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Rotary techniqueA lymphatic technique commonly applied to the thorax to facilitate lymph flow.Ruffini organs (ROs)A type of mechanoreceptor found in high concentrations in many forms of fasciaand joint related tissues – responsive to slowly-applied and sustained, deeperpressure, slow/deep strokes and lateral/tangential mechanical stretch.

ScarMark left in various tissues or an internal organ following the healing of awound, sore or injury. The bulk of the scar (replacement) tissue is made up offibrous CT.

Rotary technique

A lymphatic technique commonly applied to the thorax to facilitate lymph flow.

Ruffini organs (ROs)

A type of mechanoreceptor found in high concentrations in many forms of fascia

and joint related tissues – responsive to slowly-applied and sustained, deeper

pressure, slow/deep strokes and lateral/tangential mechanical stretch.

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