[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


ProprioceptorsMechanoreceptors involved in perception of movement and body position,location/orientation in space and coordination of movement along a kinetic chainor myofascial meridian.Proteoglycan (PG)Glycoproteins found primarily in CT and formed of subunits ofglycosaminoglycans linked to a protein core. PGs retain water and form a gellikesubstance (e.g. the viscous fluid of mucous and GS) through which ions,hormones and nutrients can move freely. Proteoglycans play an important role inthe viscoelastic property of tissue/structures and also appear to play an importantrole in cell signaling and the binding of GFs and chemokines.

Provisional matrixDuring the early stage of wound healing, a makeshift ECM that provides astructural framework for cellular attachment and subsequent cellularproliferation.

Provisional matrix

During the early stage of wound healing, a makeshift ECM that provides a

structural framework for cellular attachment and subsequent cellular


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