[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Oscillation techniqueA form of shaking, movement back and forth and rocking of the tissue –effective in mobilizing tissue layers/disengaging stuck tissue and increasing thelubrication potential of HA in the sliding layers. Oscillations are commonlyapplied in combination with compression or lifting. Oscillations can be used toaddress superficial and deeper layers of tissue.

OxytocinHormone that plays role in regulation of circadian homeostasis and is involvedin social recognition, bonding and trust formation.Pacini and paciniform corpuscles (PCs)Type of mechanoreceptor found in deeper skin and deeper, dense fascia –responsive to vibration, mechanical pressure changes in tissue and light, brieftangential loading.


Hormone that plays role in regulation of circadian homeostasis and is involved

in social recognition, bonding and trust formation.

Pacini and paciniform corpuscles (PCs)

Type of mechanoreceptor found in deeper skin and deeper, dense fascia –

responsive to vibration, mechanical pressure changes in tissue and light, brief

tangential loading.

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