[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


NociceptorThreat detector responsive to various noxious stimuli that objectively candamage tissue (e.g. extreme hot, cold, swelling, tissue damage or prior tissuedamage) and stimuli can subjectively be perceived as painful. Although there isa common tendency to identify nociceptors as pain receptors, not all nociceptivesignals are interpreted as pain and not every pain sensation originates from anociceptor.

Nociceptive painPain that arises from actual or threatened damage to non-neural tissue –peripherally driven by chemical, thermal or mechanical insults to tissues housingnociceptors.Non-collagenous cross-link proteinsStructural protein struts (fibrillin, fibronectin and laminin) providing flexiblestabilityand a pathway for transfer of mechanical strain/tensional loadinginformation from cell to cell.


Threat detector responsive to various noxious stimuli that objectively can

damage tissue (e.g. extreme hot, cold, swelling, tissue damage or prior tissue

damage) and stimuli can subjectively be perceived as painful. Although there is

a common tendency to identify nociceptors as pain receptors, not all nociceptive

signals are interpreted as pain and not every pain sensation originates from a


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