[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


NeutrophilA type of phagocytic white blood cell active during the early stages of woundhealing.

NociceptionThreatening stimuli activated by varying thresholds not activated during normalmovement. In addition to sensitivity to tissue deformation, nociceptors aresensitive to endogenous chemicals (e.g. inflammatory and pain mediators)released as a result of disrupted tissue or by inflammatory cells. Thesenociceptive stimulants can have long-lasting effects and often potentiate oneanother.


Threatening stimuli activated by varying thresholds not activated during normal

movement. In addition to sensitivity to tissue deformation, nociceptors are

sensitive to endogenous chemicals (e.g. inflammatory and pain mediators)

released as a result of disrupted tissue or by inflammatory cells. These

nociceptive stimulants can have long-lasting effects and often potentiate one


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