[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


NeuroplasticityAn adaptation trait of the nervous system (NS) that enables modification offunction and structure in response to demands via the strengthening, weakening,pruning, or adding of synaptic connections and by promoting neurogenesis. Akey principle of neuroplasticity is that brain activity (increased or decreased)promotes brain adaptation and reorganization.

NeuropeptidesSignaling molecules that influence neuronal and brain activity. Neuropeptidesreleased during wound healing modulate a number of important aspects of theprocess such as cell proliferation, cytokine and growth factor production, antigenpresentation, mast cell degradation, increased vascular permeability andneovascularization.


Signaling molecules that influence neuronal and brain activity. Neuropeptides

released during wound healing modulate a number of important aspects of the

process such as cell proliferation, cytokine and growth factor production, antigen

presentation, mast cell degradation, increased vascular permeability and


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