[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition

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More people are surviving traumatic events than ever before and sometimes

survival can come with a price, in the form of detrimental scars.

Scars are not obligated to be problematic. In fact our bodies have an amazing,

innate capacity to heal wounds. However, the process does not always unfold

seamlessly and the end product is not always ideal. And sometimes scars can be

disingenuous, on the surface all may look good however, below the surface the

person’s reality can be a whole other story.

We wrote this book to help the myriad of patients whose journey of healing and

recovery doesn’t stop when their wounds are stitched and healed-over.

Facilitating the healing of wounds and minimizing the aesthetic, emotional and

functional impact of pathophysiological scars on the patient constitutes a central

focus of the authors’ clinical practice.

We have woven client stories, clinical anecdotes and relevant research into each

chapter in an effort to give full credence to the scientific, technical and

empathetic elements of the work.

In this book you will also find a robust chapter on communication and the

therapeutic relationship, because we recognize that as a healing tool, establishing

respectful connection, cultivating our patients’ sense of trust, and our words can

be every bit as therapeutic as our hands.

Whether you have a private practice, practice in a multi-modal clinical setting,

are an urban or rural therapist and no matter where you are on this planet, the

material covered in this book is relevant to your practice, because wounds and

scars are universal. And scar tissue that interferes with structure and function

and adversely impacts quality of life can be safely addressed by a professional,

properly trained massage therapist.

Our aim is to provide other therapists with an evidence-informed guide that will

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