[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


MyotomeGroups of muscles supplied by a single nerve root.Nerve growth factor (NGF)Neuropeptide released during wound healing – a potent neurotrophic agent andneuronal sensitizing agent that when uncontrolled, can lead to debilitatingchronic pain syndromes and an excess of NGF during wound healing isimplicated in pathophysiological scar formation.

Nerve receptorsNerve terminations that provide a means by which our CNS can keep informedas to what is happening in our external and internal environment.


Groups of muscles supplied by a single nerve root.

Nerve growth factor (NGF)

Neuropeptide released during wound healing – a potent neurotrophic agent and

neuronal sensitizing agent that when uncontrolled, can lead to debilitating

chronic pain syndromes and an excess of NGF during wound healing is

implicated in pathophysiological scar formation.

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