[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


Merkel cellsType of mechanoreceptor found in superficial skin – responsive to localizedpressure, sustained loading and tissue displacement.Mixed/associated nerve fibersContain both sensory and motor nerve fibers.Motor/efferent nerve fibersConduct motor impulses from the CNS to peripheral tissues/organs.Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT)MALT works as sentinel, protecting the digestive tract and upper respiratorysystem from the constant barrage of foreign matter that enter these cavities.Peyer’s patches and the tonsils are part of the MALT network.

MucopolysaccharidesSee GAGs.Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS)Chronic pain disorder associated with local or referred pain, limited ROM orpain/discomfort with movement, autonomic phenomena, local twitch responseand muscle weakness without atrophy.Myofascial trigger point (MTrP)Hyperirritable, palpable localized hardening in the myofascia.Myofibroblasts (MFBs)Exhibit both fibroblast and smooth muscle characteristics, including the abilityto contract in a smooth muscle-like manner. MFBs are seen in higherconcentrations in fascia subjected to higher tensional demands (e.g. plantarfascia), perimysium and in injured fascia. MFB contraction plays a major role inwound healing/remodeling, contractures and fibrosis. Biomechanically,interactions between MFBs and the ECM contribute to whole body mobility andbiotensegrity.Myokinetic/myofascial chains or meridiansA grouping or sequence of muscles/motor units – fascially and neurologicallylinked together to support functional (movement) and perceptive continuity.


See GAGs.

Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS)

Chronic pain disorder associated with local or referred pain, limited ROM or

pain/discomfort with movement, autonomic phenomena, local twitch response

and muscle weakness without atrophy.

Myofascial trigger point (MTrP)

Hyperirritable, palpable localized hardening in the myofascia.

Myofibroblasts (MFBs)

Exhibit both fibroblast and smooth muscle characteristics, including the ability

to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner. MFBs are seen in higher

concentrations in fascia subjected to higher tensional demands (e.g. plantar

fascia), perimysium and in injured fascia. MFB contraction plays a major role in

wound healing/remodeling, contractures and fibrosis. Biomechanically,

interactions between MFBs and the ECM contribute to whole body mobility and


Myokinetic/myofascial chains or meridians

A grouping or sequence of muscles/motor units – fascially and neurologically

linked together to support functional (movement) and perceptive continuity.

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