[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


InterleukinsA group of cytokines with complex immunomodulatory functions, including cellproliferation, maturation, migration and adhesion. Interleukins also play animportant role in immune cell differentiation and activation.

InteroceptionIncludes a wide range of physiological sensations including muscular effort,tickling, pain, hunger, thirst, warmth, cold, organ-distention, sensual andpleasant touch. Interoceptive activity is mediated by interstitial receptors that areknown to influence the ANS. Interoception plays a fundamental role in therelationship between one’s subjective state of well-being and physiologicalhealth.Interstitial receptors (IRs)Type of mechanoreceptor found in various presentations of fascia, includingperiosteum – are multi-modal in their function. In their role as mechanoreceptorsthey are responsive to tension, pressure, tissue stretch and ultra-light touch.


Includes a wide range of physiological sensations including muscular effort,

tickling, pain, hunger, thirst, warmth, cold, organ-distention, sensual and

pleasant touch. Interoceptive activity is mediated by interstitial receptors that are

known to influence the ANS. Interoception plays a fundamental role in the

relationship between one’s subjective state of well-being and physiological


Interstitial receptors (IRs)

Type of mechanoreceptor found in various presentations of fascia, including

periosteum – are multi-modal in their function. In their role as mechanoreceptors

they are responsive to tension, pressure, tissue stretch and ultra-light touch.

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