[libribook.com] Traumatic Scar Tissue Management 1st Edition


HyperarousalTerm generally used to describe when the ANS is in a state of hypervigilance orhyperactivation.

HyperexcitationNeurons firing too easily or too often, which in turn can make somethingperceived as painful feel even worse (hyperalgesia), or it can make things hurtthat should not (allodynia). Injury-induced hyperexcitability is not limited tonociceptors. Hyperexcitability can also develop in myelinated afferents thatnormally convey innocuous information (e.g. normal movement and touch) andunder neuropathic conditions, mechanical allodynia can occur.


Neurons firing too easily or too often, which in turn can make something

perceived as painful feel even worse (hyperalgesia), or it can make things hurt

that should not (allodynia). Injury-induced hyperexcitability is not limited to

nociceptors. Hyperexcitability can also develop in myelinated afferents that

normally convey innocuous information (e.g. normal movement and touch) and

under neuropathic conditions, mechanical allodynia can occur.

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