Peacetree Spirit Magazin ENG Web

Aloha brothers and sisters, here we go with our english version of our first Peacetree Spirit Magazine. Enjoy reading it Peace and love Peacetree family

Aloha brothers and sisters,
here we go with our english version of our first Peacetree Spirit Magazine.
Enjoy reading it
Peace and love
Peacetree family


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<strong>Peacetree</strong> <strong>Spirit</strong><br />

<strong>Magazin</strong>e<br />

incl.<br />

Invitation to the<br />

Anniversary and<br />

Foundation Festival<br />

October<br />


Editorial<br />

Peacecelebrationfestival<br />

Bad Blumau – Hundertwasser community<br />

09 - 11 Oct 2020<br />

Since a long time we had the feeling that something completely new would come for us.<br />

9 years after our very first peace tree planting in Munich, we would like to create our international<br />

foundation <strong>Peacetree</strong>.earth, together with you.<br />

The <strong>Peacetree</strong> Coin should help us to plant 1 million Peace Trees with <strong>Peacetree</strong>.earth and,<br />

moreover, to protect habitats of primeval forests and indigenous peoples.<br />

From the very depth of our hearts, the peacecelebrationfestivals were born to which we<br />

want to invite you from the bottom of our hearts. The festivals will be very uplifting peace<br />

celebrations with wonderful workshops that can help develop great strength in all participants.<br />

The start and the very first festival will take place on a magical Dream Place come true:<br />

created by the brilliant artist and tree lover Friedensreich Hundertwasser in Bad Blumau.<br />

We already planted a peace tree there on July 7th, 2019, at an international meeting of earth<br />

keepers and elders.<br />

So we look forward to many like-minded co-founders who share our big dream of an international<br />

foundation for 1 million peace trees and feel the call to help initiate and realize this<br />

vision.<br />

Do you feel this resonante in your heart? Then write an email to<br />

m.walter@friedensbaum.de with the keyword: „<strong>Peacetree</strong>.earth<br />

2020“ and tell us why you want to be there and with a little luck,<br />

one of 88 seats is yours.<br />

We look forward to you!<br />

9 year anniversary of the <strong>Peacetree</strong> Foundation &<br />

Launch of <strong>Peacetree</strong>.earth<br />

Greetings from our heart<br />

From the whole <strong>Peacetree</strong> family<br />


9th anniversary & founding<br />

ceremony of the international<br />

foundation <strong>Peacetree</strong>.Earth<br />

We are honored the New Zealand Peace Ambassador and Waitaha<br />

Peace People elder - Billy TK Senior - has taken over the patronage<br />

for <strong>Peacetree</strong>.earth.<br />

We premiere at the very first Peace Celebration Festival with 88<br />

co-founders from October 9-11, 2020 at the living & wellness artwork<br />

by Friedensreich-Hundertwasser in Bad Blumau. We are<br />

excited to co-lead Peace Celebration Festivals with peace benefit<br />

concerts all over Europe, starring Billy TK Senior and his friend Carlos<br />

Santana as well as other world-famous musicians in 2021.<br />

How important the Peace Tree vision is for humanity was confirmed<br />

by a visit from the Mamos from Colombia. They sent two<br />

representatives of the next generation of their ancient earth keeper<br />

tribe, with the purpose to guard the heart of Mother Earth.<br />

Together we planted more peace trees and we received from them a<br />

blessing for our vision and for the whole Peace Tree Network.<br />

The devastating forest fires in the Amazon and Africa, and continued<br />

overexploitation on the lungs of Mother Earth show the time<br />

is now more mature than ever before for our large PeaceTree.earth<br />

foundation.<br />

The foundation´s aim is not just to expand the <strong>Peacetree</strong> network by<br />

1 million trees, but also to protect habitats of primeval forests and<br />

native inhabitants!<br />

With the funding innovation of the <strong>Peacetree</strong> Coin as well as our major<br />

Crowdfunding on Start-Next, the path is now open for everyone<br />

to participate in the international foundation, the film and its projects<br />

to restore our appreciation of our world’s peace.<br />

“Kia Ora liebe Herzensgeschwister! Frieden ist immer da!<br />

Als ich den Film „Die Mamos und die Bäume des Friedens“ gesehen habe, wollte ich diese Familie persönlich<br />

kennenlernen, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, auf der ganzen Welt ein Netzwerk mit Friedensbäumen<br />

zu pflanzen.<br />

Sie haben mich 2 Wochen bei sich wohnen lassen und mich als Teil ihrer Familie willkommen geheissen. Die Friedensbaum<br />

Familie hat für mich und andere grossartige Musiker mit „Friede, Freude, Friedrichshafen ein wundervolles<br />

Festival organisiert und mir dabei geholfen meine WorldPeace Foundation zu gründen.<br />

Zusammen waren wir dann 6 Wochen in Neuseeland auf Friedenstour unterwegs und haben gemeinsam viele<br />

Friedensbäume, unter anderem auch einen für die Wale gepflanzt, damit diese sich wieder besser orientieren können<br />

und nicht mehr stranden.<br />

Daher ist es für mich eine grosse Ehre, ihr friedensfeierfestival und Gründung der internationalen Stiftung als Schirmherr<br />

zu begleiten. Sie haben ihr Leben genauso wie ich dem Frieden gewidmet und bringen so viel auf die Erde. Sie<br />

haben meine und Eure Unterstützung mehr als verdient.<br />

Ihr Wirken und ihre grosse Vision ihrer internationalen <strong>Peacetree</strong> Charity werde ich und meine Musikerfreunde daher<br />

auch mit den Benefizkonzerten auf meiner Europa-Tournee, die Matthias federführend mit organisieren wird, begleiten.<br />

Sie machen eine grossartige Friedensarbeit und ich kann nur jedem empfehlen bei dem Gründungsfestival<br />

dabei zu sein.<br />

Kia Kaha - Forever Strong<br />

Grusswort des Friedensbotschafters<br />

aus Neuseeland<br />

Billy TK Senior

Peacecelebrationfestival<br />

Trailer<br />

Be part of the Peace Celebration Festival<br />

with the Partner Ticket<br />

Perhaps you are already feeling the call of your inner voice to make your contribution to this world.<br />

An unmistakable process of change is taking place all over the world.<br />

Many people are confused, feel isolated and find themselves waiting for the right moment. All of the<br />

prophecies speak of the present day. People feel alone or not strong enough to bring change to the<br />

world. Most have lost contact with their intuition and Mother Nature. However, they all feel that each<br />

one, just like a cell of the great earth organism, has to fulfill their own task in order to be effective for<br />

the big picture.<br />

Have you always been someone who did’t just stand by, but rather aimed to give your best? You knew<br />

that every act did more than all of the world‘s great words put together and have you already stood<br />

up for your heart’s desire or do you want to do it now? You are the one reason why change in this<br />

world is becoming possible. You believe in the good in this world and you know, when enough people<br />

come together, the goodness turns out to be a beacon that will spread all over the world.<br />

To create a harmonious world and accomplish our mission on earth, we need an environment<br />

that supports us. We need to be surrounded by trees, forests and plants. Trees are connected<br />

to the nourishing and supportive earth at every moment, giving us strength and stability. Trees<br />

are the only plants that protrude so high into the sky to establish a stable connection<br />

with the cosmos. As antennas they take up information, visions and<br />

unity of the cosmos.<br />

As a founding member, you will receive one of 10 sponsorships<br />

of an already planted Peace Tree!<br />

You will also receive one of the first-ever limited <strong>Peacetree</strong>-Coins<br />

as well as a Peace Tree Mala, which will<br />

connect you to the entire peace tree network.<br />

Be a part of it and support the <strong>Peacetree</strong> Foundation!<br />

Become a <strong>Peacetree</strong> founding partner & apply with<br />

your „why“ for one of the 88 Tickets at:<br />

m.walter@friedensbaum.de<br />

Watch the interview on Delphin TV

Line Up at the<br />

Peacecelebrationfestival<br />

Inspiring speaker<br />

for peace<br />

Morgaine<br />

Her songs are honest, touching and thoughtful.<br />

Morgaine, a young, peace-loving and vegan artist full<br />

of courage and self-confidence. She wraps her authentic<br />

and critical lyrics about the light and dark sides<br />

of life in a dreamy-profound robe of acoustic soundscapes<br />

in her soft but expressive voice.<br />

David Mages<br />

An exceptional multi-instrumentalist, singer and teacher<br />

full of dedication and empathy. With his colorful<br />

variety of instruments, he takes you on a musical journey<br />

around the world through other cultures, sounds<br />

and traditions. Especially children are inspired about<br />

his rousing songs.<br />

Moderation - Dunja Burghardt<br />

Dunja Burghardt is a moderator, screenwriter and<br />

storyteller. Together with her husband Maik Burghardt<br />

she has been moving the media industry for over 15<br />

years in the field of sustainable development, social<br />

responsibility and raising awareness and mindfulness<br />

among our society. Her path led her to the Cosmic<br />

Cine Film festival that will take place in the Mathäser<br />

Filmpalast in Munich in April 2020 for the 7th time.<br />

Filmmakers, artists and musicians show there their<br />

vision of tomorrow‘s world where peace is possible.<br />

Jacqueline Le Saunier<br />

<strong>Spirit</strong>ual trainer, actresse, visionary & author. The<br />

focus of her work is to guide people back to their own<br />

intuition and thus to their authentic, fulfilled path of<br />

the heart. Thanks to her clairvoyance, she sees the<br />

potential, calling and life issues in people´s energy<br />

field.<br />

Jacqueline represents a new generation of modern,<br />

down-to-earth, and spiritual teachers.<br />

Mathias Walter - White Lightfire<br />

He met his Native American teacher at the age of 22,<br />

who, after 11 years of training, invited him to the strongest<br />

and most sacred ritual of the Native Americans:<br />

the sun dance. It was there where he received the<br />

vision to create a peace movement - the <strong>Peacetree</strong><br />

Foundation.<br />

At the Anniversary & Foundation party he will be<br />

presenting his newest Vision – the planting of 1 million<br />

peace trees – in an epic multi-vision show.<br />

more brilliant<br />

speakers & info on<br />


Friday October 9th, 2020<br />

Introduction to the I

Giving Peace a Value - Instead of Paying Taxes<br />

Together with you we want to bring to life the international <strong>Peacetree</strong>.Earth foundation. It is the<br />

next step toward the manifestation of our goal of planting one million peace trees. With this „earth<br />

acupuncture“, a special ceremonial planting, the earth can regenerate faster, which has been confirmed<br />

by many earth guardians.<br />

With all the important climate discussion, we must not forget what Mother Earth really needs: our<br />

affection, love, appreciation and gratitude!<br />

Peace present<br />

Gift peace now for the festival. Included in the gift box is our sought-after <strong>Peacetree</strong><br />

Mala, which connects you to the entire Peace Tree network and one of<br />

the first <strong>Peacetree</strong> Coins limited edition (limited to 333), which<br />

will soon be worth more than the whole box.<br />

www.startnext.com/friedensbaum<br />

A peace tree is a very special ceremonial form of planting, much like our Celtic ancestors used to<br />

perform it. Many primitive peoples have gathered hope for humanity from seeing us planting trees<br />

the same way they did and visited us specifically to encourage us to plant more trees in this way!<br />

Support our peace project now<br />

with your donation at Start Next:<br />

www.startnext.com/friedensbaum<br />

Give away a gift box<br />

as a symbol of your<br />

love<br />

Our partner<br />

Krombacher<br />

Naturstarter<br />

will donate<br />

25% on top of<br />

every<br />


The <strong>Peacetree</strong> Coin - For 1 million peace trees<br />

What is I

Voices of Co-Lovers<br />

Vision – Films for Peace<br />

“<br />

Peace trees are a symbol of being one.<br />

Peace trees express our connection.<br />

Peace trees represent people‘s mental strength.<br />

Peace trees bring people back together.<br />

Peace trees remind us of where our roots are.<br />

Peace trees are our mirrors.<br />

Wonderful, unique and powerful.<br />

People are Peace Trees.<br />

Iris aus Senegal<br />

„<br />

“<br />

Peace trees radiate primal force - unconditional LOVE and<br />

open the hearts of all people. Peace trees bring a lot of love, primal trust,<br />

good-naturedness, peace and calm into the world. Connected to a Peace<br />

Tree, I feel at home and within me the same strength flows, which lets me<br />

recharge and encourages me on my way to my inner self. This unconditional,<br />

deep PEACE allows for a flow of unconditional LOVE still desired to<br />

grow in our world!<br />

AHO! All peacemakers, peace trees and all those<br />

who need this power, be blessed!<br />

Renate aus Graz<br />

„<br />

The Project – Agents for Peace<br />

“<br />

For me, peace trees are portals, though which the energies of peace,<br />

harmony and ease can be fed into the field of our Mother Earth. Due to<br />

all peace trees being energetically connected amongst each other, an<br />

ever-growing network is being created. This energy field of peace is<br />

increasingly growing and is, through the trees, being rooted deeper into<br />

the earth and thus into the hearts of people. I‘ve been to a few Peace Tree<br />

plantings myself.<br />

The greatest miracle I experienced at the rainbow dance: We were all<br />

around the peace tree and touched it when we saw a rainbow-colored<br />

cloud and a miniature rainbow in the middle of the bright blue sky,<br />

although it wasn‘t raining! For me, this was a clear sign that our prayers<br />

were being answered. Always ... Aho !!<br />

Regenbogenfalkenfrau<br />

„<br />

After 8 international film and two peace film<br />

awards for “The Mamos and the Trees of Peace“<br />

we now want to realize our great charity film<br />

vision “Agents of Peace”.<br />

The soundtrack for this is already being produced<br />

by well-known musicians from all over the<br />

world.<br />

Some of the musicians will be at the gala evening<br />

performing their works for the soundtrack live.<br />

Filming has already taken place at locations in<br />

Germany, Europe, America, New Zealand and<br />

Myanmar. A first trailer will be presented at<br />

the gala night in Bad Blumau.

An Extraordinary Journey to Myanmar<br />

An inner and outer journey to the Philosopher‘s Stone<br />

Since birth in 1972, Matthias Walter (medicine name - White Lightfire) has been a lucid day<br />

dreamer.<br />

In his dreams, he receives messages and meets his teachers on the path of his heart.<br />

In 2009, three red and one white clothed monk suddenly appeared in his dream and told<br />

him to come to their monastery in Burma.<br />

He followed this call and was initiated with the ancient alchemical knowledge of the Philosopher´s<br />

Stone which enables him to maintain telepathic contact with the monks. 2016 he<br />

undergoes another intensive training in the monastery. Then the abbot declares a pair of<br />

ancient jointed trees, located at the convents gate as a peace tree in order to strengthen<br />

the network of to peace trees planted worldwide.<br />

In the last dream, the monks authorize him to reconnect all of humanity<br />

to this ancient alchemical body of wisdom and to its special powers. On his last trip in<br />

February / March 2019, he got adopted as the son of the monastery and connected to the<br />

monks‘ teacher.<br />

On February 1st - 21st, 2021, there will be again a trip to the monastery in Myanmar.<br />

What is the Philosopher‘s Stone?<br />

Many myths surround the Philosopher‘s Stone, which in alchemy signifies the formula of<br />

a „stone“, also called Lapis philosophorum. It is said to be out a substance that can turn<br />

metal into gold.<br />

The Philosopher‘s Stone also represents the principle of transmutation (transformation),<br />

of healing and purification. Intended for use against various deficiency states and disharmonies,<br />

the stone, which is also said to have a rejuvenating effect, is used as a panacea of<br />

highest purity and as a symbol for transformation of the lower into the higher self of the<br />

pure soul.<br />

The stone goes through fire for you and with you, again and again, and burns every and<br />

anything that has blocked your highest potential so far, little by little and fire by fire bringing<br />

your noble inner essence to its full unfolding.<br />

Since the group is limited, the only way to join is by applying for this special opportunity.<br />

If you are interested to be part of this trip, then apply with your short personal biography<br />

mentioning your „why“ and a photo by August 31, 2020 directly to White Lightfire at:<br />

m.walter@friedensbaum.de.<br />

All those selected by the monks for this trip will then receive an invitation with further<br />

information.<br />

Peace Tree<br />

Here man, there the tree<br />

alleged separation,<br />

but vibrant this dream,<br />

of recognition.<br />

With the roots in heaven<br />

man can bless him<br />

with the roots towards the earth<br />

meet each other truly.<br />

The art of touching every tree<br />

lays also in the hands and in this dream.<br />

Severely injured for a long time,<br />

used and cut down,<br />

underestimated their value<br />

but nothing in the world<br />

stopped us from watering them -<br />

and so, they are still there.<br />

to make peace<br />

where it had once been.<br />

Dunja Burghardt

This booklet was supported by:<br />


Hohlenstein 34<br />

D-88693 Deggenhausertal Lellwangen<br />

Telephone: +49 170 720 3333<br />

E-mail: m.walter@friedensbaum.de<br />

Design by Gardens of Love

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