chapter 1 - Air Force E-Publishing

chapter 1 - Air Force E-Publishing chapter 1 - Air Force E-Publishing
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CHAPTER 1 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 1.1. Scope. 1.1.1. These procedures apply to wholesale item managers utilizing the Item Manager Wholesale Requisition Process (IMWRP) D035A subsystem, the Wholesale Management and Efficiency Reports (WMER) D035B subsystem, and the Reportable Asset Management Process (RAMP) D035C subsystem to execute stock control functions in the management of their stock numbers. No deviation from these policies/procedures is authorized without written approval of HQ AFMC/ A4SM. 1.1.2. Data services procedures are outlined in AFMCM 171-series publications. 1.1.3. This publication does not apply to US Air Force Reserve (USAFR) or Air National Guard (ANG) units and members. 1.1.4. These procedures apply to the wholesale materiel management community. No deviation from these procedures is authorized without written approval of HQ AFMC/A4SM. This chapter was last revised in April 2006. 1.2. Purpose. 1.2.1. This publication explains the concepts, policies, and procedures implemented within the D035A, D035B, and D035C subsystems. 1.2.2. This publication addresses the following: The daily processing of property accounting and inventory control transactions as they relate to the wholesale processing of requisitions and the distribution of materiel worldwide. The maintenance of current cataloging management data for all stock numbers for which the wholesale Item Manager has item management responsibility. Providing D035A unique management data to selected external systems. The edit, validation, and processing of incoming transactions. The routing of selected transactions to the appropriate external system users. 1.2.3. Procedures within this publication also address manual actions required prior to and after computer processing, policy decisions affecting computer processing, and responsibilities to assure efficient item management through proper use of D035A, D035B, and D035C. 1.3. Channels for Submission of Proposed Revisions. 1.3.1. HQ AFMC/A4SM is the OPR for all policy and procedural matters affecting D035A, D035B, and D035C. 1.3.2. Proposed revisions or suggestions regarding policy and procedures published in this volume/ part should be submitted to HQ AFMC/A4SM, 4375 Chidlaw Road, Room B101, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-5006. Any proposed functionality or business process changes to D035A, D035B or D035C should also be forwarded to HQ AFMC/A4SM. 1–1

CHAPTER 1<br />


1.1. Scope.<br />

1.1.1. These procedures apply to wholesale item managers utilizing the Item Manager Wholesale<br />

Requisition Process (IMWRP) D035A subsystem, the Wholesale Management and Efficiency<br />

Reports (WMER) D035B subsystem, and the Reportable Asset Management Process (RAMP)<br />

D035C subsystem to execute stock control functions in the management of their stock numbers. No<br />

deviation from these policies/procedures is authorized without written approval of HQ AFMC/<br />

A4SM.<br />

1.1.2. Data services procedures are outlined in AFMCM 171-series publications.<br />

1.1.3. This publication does not apply to US <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Reserve (USAFR) or <strong>Air</strong> National Guard<br />

(ANG) units and members.<br />

1.1.4. These procedures apply to the wholesale materiel management community. No deviation from<br />

these procedures is authorized without written approval of HQ AFMC/A4SM. This <strong>chapter</strong> was last<br />

revised in April 2006.<br />

1.2. Purpose.<br />

1.2.1. This publication explains the concepts, policies, and procedures implemented within the<br />

D035A, D035B, and D035C subsystems.<br />

1.2.2. This publication addresses the following:<br /> The daily processing of property accounting and inventory control transactions as they<br />

relate to the wholesale processing of requisitions and the distribution of materiel worldwide.<br /> The maintenance of current cataloging management data for all stock numbers for which<br />

the wholesale Item Manager has item management responsibility.<br /> Providing D035A unique management data to selected external systems.<br /> The edit, validation, and processing of incoming transactions.<br /> The routing of selected transactions to the appropriate external system users.<br />

1.2.3. Procedures within this publication also address manual actions required prior to and after computer<br />

processing, policy decisions affecting computer processing, and responsibilities to assure efficient<br />

item management through proper use of D035A, D035B, and D035C.<br />

1.3. Channels for Submission of Proposed Revisions.<br />

1.3.1. HQ AFMC/A4SM is the OPR for all policy and procedural matters affecting D035A, D035B,<br />

and D035C.<br />

1.3.2. Proposed revisions or suggestions regarding policy and procedures published in this volume/<br />

part should be submitted to HQ AFMC/A4SM, 4375 Chidlaw Road, Room B101, Wright-Patterson<br />

AFB OH 45433-5006. Any proposed functionality or business process changes to D035A, D035B or<br />

D035C should also be forwarded to HQ AFMC/A4SM.<br />


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AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br />

1.3.3. System deficiencies, errors, etc., which cause delay, interruptions, rerun of production processing,<br />

or which result in inefficiency will be reported in accordance with AFMCR 171-30 and submitted<br />

to 754 ELSG/LRE. Local and HQ functional and system OPR users may initiate deficiency<br />

reports.<br />

1.4. Application to other Volumes/Parts of AFMAN 23-110. The procedures contained in other volumes/parts<br />

of this manual are also applicable to depot wholesale activities; however, AFMAN 23-110,<br />

Volume 3, Part 3 procedures take precedence.<br />

1.5. Description of the D035A, D035B, and D035C Subsystems.<br />

1.5.1. D035A is designed to perform editing, indexing, and routing functions necessary to provide all<br />

interfacing systems with unique management data for those stock numbers for which the wholesale<br />

item managers have responsibility. D035A also provides this support for all stock numbers applicable<br />

to any subsystem of the Stock Control System (SCS) suite, such as D035J and D035K.<br /> Editing is the process of determining if an incoming transaction is correctly prepared (for<br />

example, checking to see if the transaction is in the proper format, quantity fields are numeric,<br />

condition codes are valid, etc.).<br /> Indexing is the process of matching an incoming transaction against the materiel database<br />

to validate the stock number and appropriate elements of catalog management data (CMD),<br />

such as the source of supply, the unit of issue, the unit price, the budget code, and the Expendability,<br />

Recoverability, Reparability Category (ERRC) code.<br /> Routing is the process of transmitting an incoming transaction to the appropriate subsystem<br />

or user within SCS and directing an improperly routed transaction to the appropriate destination.<br />

1.5.2. D035A serves as the central source of management and CMD for applicable stock numbers<br />

used by SCS. The types of stock numbers used by D035A include national stock numbers (NSNs),<br />

non-cataloged (NC) stock numbers, non-significant (ND) stock numbers, and technical order kit (K)<br />

stock numbers. While D035A is used by a D035K user to establish and maintain a locally assigned<br />

stock number (i.e., L and P numbers), this type of stock number is not valid for D035A processes.<br />

1.5.3. D035A operates in a real-time, on-line environment to provide the following:<br /> Wholesale requisition and supply status processing.<br /> Requisition exception processing (i.e., controlled exceptions).<br /> Processing of transactions between D035A and communication systems (i.e., M024B<br />

and MQ series).<br /> Canned and ad hoc interrogations and reports capability.<br /> Asset visibility for shipping decisions.<br /> Immediate visibility of updates to data elements as a result of a stock list change (SLC)<br />

transaction or file maintenance.<br /> Verification and error reporting of interchangeability and substitutability (I&S) data.<br /> Immediate status to users regarding on-line actions taken, such as modifying backorders,<br />

clearing controlled exceptions, and releasing manager review coded backorders.

AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br /> Maintenance of wholesale accountable and memorandum balances.<br /> Maintenance of backorder records (including amended shipping instruction actions and<br />

manager forced actions), automatic update of estimated shipping dates, cancellation/reject<br />

actions, and the Materiel Obligation Validation (MOV) process.<br /> Document visibility for closed requisitions. For 30 days after closure, the requisition<br />

data will remain on the active history file. After 30 days, the requisition data moves to the inactive<br />

history file, where it is maintained on-line for 1 year (Security Assistance (SA) requisitions<br />

are maintained on-line for an additional year). Documents older than 1 year (or 2 years for SA<br />

requisitions) are deleted from the inactive history file, which means the data is no longer available<br />

to the D035A user; however, the Financial Inventory Accounting and Billing System (FIABS/<br />

D035J) does maintain an off-line, 10 year history of financial records.<br /> Accumulation and maintenance of requirements detail data for stock balance and consumption<br />

reporting (SB&CR).<br /> Complete processing of all property accounting transactions, such as receipts, issues,<br />

and inventory adjustments.<br /> Automatic asset selection, which permits shipment from the storage site nearest the customer.<br /> Capability to provide I&S items to support customer requirements.<br /> Automatic release of backorders upon receipt of serviceable materiel.<br /> Capability to preposition redistribution order (RDO) transactions within D035K by<br />

document number and suffix for release from central receiving.<br /> Capability to assign management codes to restrict asset release (i.e., non-programmed<br />

requirements, critical items, non-registered user, etc).<br /> Automatic assignment of applicable fund codes when passing base or depot retail requisitions<br />

to another service/agency for support.<br /> Capability for automatic transfer of data between losing and gaining managers or services/agencies.<br /> Capability to release assets in preferential order using various methods of allocation<br />

(i.e., UMMIPS sequence, spares priority release sequence (SPRS), or Execution and Prioritization<br />

of Repairs Support System (EXPRESS) sequence).<br />

1.5.4. There are four separate D035 mainframe systems in operation: one at each ALC and one at the<br />

Cryptologic Systems Group in San Antonio, TX. The data stored in one D035 system is not visible in<br />

the other three D035 systems; however, most D035A data is now copied to the one SCS web server<br />

on a near real-time basis. Therefore, several D035A report and interrogation processes have been<br />

moved from the mainframes to the SCS web server.<br />

1.5.5. D035B operates in a batch, over night environment to provide various hardcopy report products.<br />

D035B also is responsible for processing transactions associated with Logistic Asset Support<br />

Estimates (LASE).<br />

1.5.6. D035C operates on the SCS web server and is more commonly referred to as RAMP. RAMP<br />

provides the following:<br />


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AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br /> Visibility of retail asset balances and levels stored within the Standard Base Supply System<br />

(SBSS) and D035K. Using the SBSS asset balances and levels data, RAMP computes<br />

nightly base excesses, which are provided to D035A for possible redistribution to fill backorders.<br /> Visibility of <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> managed assets in-transit.<br /> For ERRC C, L, and T assets, maintenance of consumption data (e.g., issues to disposal,<br />

issues to non-reporting customers, receipts, depot reparable generations) based on transactions<br />

provided by SBSS and D035K. This consumption data, along with asset balance data, is provided<br />

to the requirements system on a quarterly basis.<br /> Ability to automatically direct the shipment of unserviceable, reparable assets, received<br />

by SBSS or D035K, to the appropriate source of repair or to disposal through the Reparable Item<br />

Management Control System (RIMCS). RIMCS data is also provided to D035A to support automatic<br />

returns that are part of the Materiel Returns Program process.<br /> Ability to manage assets in maintenance in an Awaiting Parts (AWP) status within SBSS.<br />

1.6. Data Interchange with Other Data Systems.<br />

1.6.1. The exchange of data between D035A, D035B, RAMP and other data processing systems is an<br />

important function in the support of the AFMC logistics mission. The data record formats, transmission<br />

media, and frequency of the data exchanged through an interface between two data processing<br />

systems are described by Interface Control Document (ICD). An ICD is developed and maintained<br />

by the OPR for each system. Some of the data systems and the data involved in interchange with<br />

D035A, D035B, and RAMP are identified in the following paragraphs.<br /> A400 – Special Operation <strong>Force</strong>s Reliability and Maintainability System. D035A provides<br />

a copy of the Asset Master File (asset balance data) and the Backorder Master File to A400.<br /> C001 – <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Equipment Management System (AFEMS).<br /> D035A to AFEMS. For ERRC S and U stock numbers, D035A provides to<br />

AFEMS a copy of all transactions (Document Identifier (DI) codes D4_, D6_, D7_, D8_,<br />

D9_, DAC, and DAD) that modified an asset balance. D035A also provides to AFEMS<br />

weekly asset balance reconciliation transactions (DI code DZF) for ERRC S and U stock<br />

numbers. As part of the Stock Balance and Consumption Reporting (SB&CR) process,<br />

D035A provides to AFEMS quarterly asset balance transactions (DI code ZCQH) for ERRC S<br />

and U stock numbers located at a repair contractor facility.<br /> D035B to AFEMS. For ERRC S and U stock numbers, D035B provides to<br />

AFEMS a file of backorders.<br /> D002A - Standard Base Supply System (SBSS).<br /> SBSS to D035A. SBSS transmits requisition (DI code A0_), requisition follow-up<br />

(DI codes AF_ and AT_), requisition modifier (DI code AM_), requisition cancellation (DI<br />

codes AC_ and AK_), receipt acknowledgement (DI codes DRA and DRB), shipment confirmation<br />

(DI code BL_), shipment denial (DI code B7_), shipment status (DI code AE3) and<br />

other related transactions to the DLA Transaction Service, which routes these transactions to<br />

the appropriate Automated Inter-site Gateway (M024B) system. M024B, in turn, transmits<br />

these transactions to D035A. SBSS also transmits to D035A asset balances and levels transactions<br />

(DI codes 7LF, 9QK, and 9QN), repair cycle time transactions (DI code DAC), lateral

AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br />

support transactions (DI codes D6A and D7A), shipment to source of repair transactions (DI<br />

code D7M), and AWP transactions (DI codes XE7 and XE8) through DLA Transaction Service/M024B.<br /> D035A to SBSS. D035A transmits requisition supply and shipment status transactions<br />

(DI codes AE8 and AS8) through a MQ interface to DLA Transaction Service, which<br />

routes these status transactions to the appropriate SBSS using the Media and Status code.<br />

D035A transmits Redistribution Order (RDO) transactions (DI code A2_), Receipt Acknowledgement<br />

follow-up transactions (DI code DRF) and RDO follow-up transactions (DI code<br />

BF7) through M024B to DLA Transaction Service, which routes these transactions to the<br />

appropriate SBSS using the To Routing Identifier Code or the To Department of Defense<br />

Activity Address Code (DoDAAC).<br /> D035B - Wholesale Management and Efficiency Reports (WMER). D035A provides to<br />

D035B various files that contain requisition data to D035B. This data is required for the creation<br />

of monthly, quarterly, semiannual, and annual reports. D035A also routes to D035B LASE transactions<br />

(DI codes DTA and DTD) for processing.<br /> D035C - Reportable Asset Management Process (RAMP).<br /> RAMP to D035A. RAMP transmits <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> base (i.e., SBSS) excess report<br />

transactions (DI code ZBE), disposal and relocation requisition transactions (DI code A0A,<br />

Manager Action code O2), and Reparable Item Movement Code (RIMC) file maintenance<br />

transactions through a MQ interface to D035A.<br /> D035A to RAMP. D035A transmits daily transaction data from SBSS, which<br />

includes assets and levels data transactions, consumption data transactions, in-transit control<br />

transactions, and AWP transactions, through a MQ interface to RAMP.<br /> Refer to AFMAN 23-110, Volume 2, Part 3, Chapter 28 for a detailed listing of<br />

RAMP interfaces.<br /> D035D - Special Support Stock Control (SSSC).<br /> SSSC to D035A. SSSC transmits to D035A contractor government furnished<br />

material (GFM) requisition referral transactions (DI code A4_) and aggregation account requisition<br />

transactions (DI code A0_) through a MQ interface. SSSC also transmits GFM Validation<br />

Response transactions (DI code AX2) to D035A through this MQ interface.<br /> D035A to SSSC. D035A transmits to SSSC GFM Validation Request transactions<br />

(DI code AX1) through a MQ interface. D035A also transmits contractor GFM requisition<br />

supply and shipment status transactions (DI codes AE4 and AS4) to SSSC through this MQ<br />

interface.<br /> Refer to AFMAN 23-110, Volume 3, Part 8 for detailed information on SSSC<br />

interfaces.<br /> D035G - Reutilization and Disposal System (RDS).<br /> RDS to D035A. RDS transmits to D035A disposal requisition transactions (DI<br />

code A0A) and report of excess transactions (DI code FTE) through a MQ interface.<br />


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AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br /> D035A to RDS. D035A transmits to RDS return from disposal transactions (DI<br />

code D6J), disposal shipment confirmation transactions (DI codes ARJ, ARK, and ARL), and<br />

disposal shipment denial transactions (DI code A6J) through a MQ interface. RDS also utilizes<br />

various D035A data (e.g., asset balances) automatically copied to the SCS web server.<br /> D035J – Financial Inventory Accounting and Billing System (FIABS). D035A provides<br />

to D035J a file that contains a copy of all transactions (DI codes D4_, D6_, D7_, D8_, D9_, DAC,<br />

DAD, DF1, DF2, and F7_) that modified an asset balance and, for Security Assistance requisitions,<br />

a copy of all shipment confirmation transactions (DI codes BL_ and AR_). D035A also<br />

provides a file that contains a copy of all transactions (DI codes F6U, XZ6, and X2T) associated<br />

with passing a funded requisition to a non-D035A source of supply system. There is also a<br />

monthly asset reconciliation transaction (DI code ZCN) provided by D035A to D035J.<br /> D035K - Wholesale and Retail Receiving/Shipping System (WARRS).<br /> D035K to D035A. D035K transmits requisition (DI code A0_), requisition followup<br />

(DI codes AF_ and AT_), requisition modifier (DI code AM_), requisition cancellation (DI<br />

codes AC_ and AK_), receipt acknowledgement (DI codes DRA and DRB), shipment confirmation<br />

(DI code BL_), shipment denial (DI code B7_), and other related transactions to<br />

M024B, which in turn, transmits these transactions to a D035A. If the sending D035K and the<br />

receiving D035A are on the same mainframe, most of these transactions are passed through<br />

program calls versus through M024B. When D035K and D035A are not on the same mainframe,<br />

D035K transmits to D035A asset overlay transactions (DI code XB_) and pre-positioned<br />

backorder status transactions (DI code ZCO). M024B is used to transmit the asset<br />

overlay transactions, but a MQ interface is used to transmit the pre-positioned backorder status<br />

transactions.<br /> D035A to D035K. D035A transmits requisition supply and shipment status transactions<br />

(DI codes AE8 and AS8) through a MQ interface to DLA Transaction Service, which<br />

routes these status transactions to the appropriate D035K using the Media and Status code.<br />

D035A transmits Redistribution Order (RDO) transactions (DI code A2_) through M024B<br />

and DLA Transaction Service to D035K. If the sending D035A and the receiving D035K are<br />

on the same mainframe, most of these transactions are passed through program calls versus<br />

through M024B and DLA Transaction Service. When D035A and D035K are not on the same<br />

mainframe, D035A transmits to D035K pre-positioned backorder transactions (DI code ZR_)<br />

through a MQ interface.<br /> D035L - Inventory & Storage Process (INSTOR). D035L passes Inventory Adjustment<br />

Increase and Decrease transactions (DI codes D8B and D9B) to D035A as part of an asset reconciliation<br />

process.<br /> D035T - Shipping Information System (SIS). D035T is used to process addition, modification,<br />

and deletion transactions (DI code BY_) that maintain the DoDAAC database used by<br />

various D035A processes. Data included on this database are: DoDAAC, Routing Identifier code,<br />

stock balance report code, command code, geographic area code (which also indicates a domestic<br />

versus an overseas location) and the capitalized/non-capitalized activity code.<br /> D040 - War Readiness Materiel Lists/Requirements and Initial Spares Support Lists.<br />

D035A provides to D040 various validation files (e.g., a file containing stock numbers with their<br />

assigned Manager Designator Code (MDC) and Equipment Specialist (ES) code).

AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br /> D043 - Master Item Identification Control System.<br /> D043 to D035A. D043 provides various stock number edit tables to D035A.<br />

D043 also transmits to D035A stock number establish/update transactions (DI codes XAA,<br />

XAB, XAD, XAS).<br /> D035A to D043. D035A provides to D043 any changes to a Manager Designator<br />

Code entered at the managing ALC. D035A also transmits stock number interrogation transactions<br />

(DI codes XAG and XAK) through M024B to D043.<br /> D075 – Logistics Management Data Bank. D035A provides to D075 a copy of its Items<br />

database, Total Asset database, Document database, Requisition database, and Backorder database.<br />

D035B provides to D075 a copy of the Abbreviated Processing Master File.<br /> D087W – Weapon System Management Information System (WSMIS). D035A provides<br />

a copy of the Abbreviated Processing Master File and the Asset Master File to WSMIS.<br />

D035B provides to WSMIS a copy of the DRIVE Backorder File and the Manager Designator<br />

Code file.<br /> D087X – Execution and Prioritization of Repairs Support System (EXPRESS). D035A<br />

provides a copy of the Asset Master File to EXPRESS. D035B provides to EXPRESS a copy of<br />

the DRIVE Backorder File. EXPRESS uses this data to create a file of sorted backorders, which<br />

is transmitted back to D035A for use when releasing assets to fill backorders.<br /> D165B - Aerospace Vehicle and Selected Items of Equipment Mission Capability<br />

(MICAP) Requisition Status Reporting System. D035A provides to D165B a copy of the MICAP<br />

Cross Reference File, the ALC Validation Tables file, and the MICAP Masters File.<br /> D169 - Supply Support Request (SSR)/Advice Consumable Items.<br /> D169 to D035A. D169 provides a file of SSR interrogations to D035A.<br /> D035A to D169. D035A provides a file of SSR interrogation replies back to<br />

D169.<br /> D200A – Secondary Item Requirements Systems (SIRS).<br /> D200A to D035A. D200A provides a file of Levels transactions (DI code ZFL) to<br />

D035A.<br /> D035A/B to D200A. D035A provides to D200A the Quarterly Stock Balance and<br />

Consumption Reporting Data file. D035B provides the Quarterly Recoverable Demand<br />

Extract file to D200A.<br /> D357 – Reparability Forecast Model. D035A provides a copy of the Backorder Master<br />

File, the Total Asset database, and the MDC/ES File to D357.<br /> G004L - Job Order Production Master System. G004L provides a file containing quarterly<br />

SB&CR data to D035A.<br /> G009 - Government Furnished Materiel Transaction Reporting System. G009 provides<br />

to D035A quarterly SB&CR transactions for <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> managed assets located at a repair contractor<br />

facility.<br /> G050 – Materiel Deficiency Reports Expert Analysis System. D035A provides a copy<br />

of the Abbreviated Processing Master file to G050.<br />


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AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br /> G072D - Contract Depot Maintenance Production Cost System. D035A provide a copy<br />

of the MDC/ES File to G072D.<br /> H303 – Keystone Information System. D035A provides to H303 a copy of the Total<br />

Asset database. D035A provides a copy of the DRIVE Backorder File to H303.<br /> J018R - Contracting Information Database System. J018R provides to D035A a copy<br />

of the Contract Acquisition Master File. D035A provides a copy of the MDC/ES File to J018R.<br /> J023 – Automated Purchase System.<br /> J041 - Acquisition and Due-In System.<br /> J041 to D035A. J041 provides to D035A a file containing ERST transactions and<br />

another file containing memo due-in transactions (DI codes DDX and DFX), memo due-in<br />

receipt transactions (DI codes D4X and D6X), on-loan increase and decrease transactions (DI<br />

codes D8B and D9B), procurement due-in asset overlay transactions (DI code ZFF), direct<br />

delivery shipment notice transactions (DI codes ZK_ and ZQ_), and contract termination<br />

transactions (DI code ZP_).<br /> D035A to J041. D035A provides to J041 a copy of all procurement receipt transactions<br />

(DI code D4_), a file containing on-loan balances, and a file containing SLC transactions.<br /> J090A – Acquisition Screening. D035A provides to J090A a copy of the ALC Cross<br />

Reference Master File.<br /> Q072 - Information Center System. D035A provides to Q072 a copy of the ALC Cross<br />

Reference Master File, the Backorder Master File, and the Abbreviated Processing Master File.<br /> Q302 – AFMC Data Depot. D035A provides to Q302 a copy of the MDC/ES File.<br /> Q303 – DMAG Data Mart. D035A provides to Q303 a copy of the Items database.<br /> Q310 – Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)/<strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> Knowledge System (AFKS).<br />

D035A provides to Q310 a copy of received and sent transactions. D035A also provides a copy<br />

of the Backorder Master File and the MDC/ES File to Q310.<br /> W001 - Security Assistance Management Information System (SAMIS).<br /> SAMIS to D035A. For Security Assistance customer requisitions, SAMIS transmits<br />

requisition (DI codes A3 and A4), requisition follow-up (DI codes AF and AT), requisition<br />

modifier (DI code AM), and requisition cancellation (DI codes AC and AK) transactions<br />

through M024B to D035A.<br /> D035A to SAMIS. For Security Assistance requisitions, D035A transmits supply<br />

and shipment status transactions (DI codes AE8 and AS8) through a MQ interface to DLA<br />

Transaction Service. If the transaction contains the correct SAMIS Distribution Code of N,<br />

DLA Transaction Service forwards an AE3 or AS3 transaction to SAMIS.

AFMAN 23-110 Volume 3<br />

Part 3, Chapter 1<br /> Other Service Data Systems. When D035A exchanges data with other service data systems,<br />

the transactions are always transmitted through DLA Transaction Service, and these transactions<br />

are formatted in accordance with DoD Manual 4000.25-1-M, Military Standard<br />

Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP), and DoD Manual 4000.25-2-M, Military Standard<br />

Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP), rules. Therefore, these manuals should<br />

be referenced for a detailed explanation of how D035A interfaces with other service data systems.<br />


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