MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library

MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library

MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library


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1942]<br />

xxxx<br />

To Entertain<br />

For Niece<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berg Jr.<br />

of Crougates will entertain at<br />

a buffet dinner on June 12, following<br />

the wedding rehearsal<br />

of their niece Miss Doris Berg,<br />

daughter or Mr. and Mrs. William<br />

H. Berg of South Orange,<br />

and Ensign Charles E. Hewes,<br />

UB.N.R., of Farming ton, Conn.<br />

The bridal party and members<br />

of both families will be present.<br />

On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Berg will attend the graduation<br />

of their son Peter from<br />

lawrencerllle. Following the<br />

wedding on June ISth, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Berg and Peter, will leave<br />

for Bay Read where they will<br />

spend the summer.<br />

•<br />

kin. P. M. Van der Does and<br />

Infant daughter, Johannes<br />

Scott, of Wilton, Conn., are<br />

visiting Mrs. Van der Does parents.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. Osgood<br />

Nlcol of Highland avenue.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux.<br />

Miss Clark of Baltimore,<br />

Mrs. roullhoux'a sister, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. 3. Osgood Nlcol. and Boiling<br />

Robertson, were luncheon<br />

guests on Sunday of Mrs. Q. W.<br />

Holmes Thomas of Summit.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Massey<br />

of Haddonfleld road, will attend<br />

the graduation of their<br />

son Robert, from Lawrencevllle,<br />

on June 9th. Robert will enter<br />

Princeton about July 1st.<br />

RYTEX<br />



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<strong>Millburn</strong> & Short Hills Item<br />

H.ll,,,,,, • '<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> &* Short Hills ITEM<br />

BY order of the War Production Board, restrictions<br />

have been placed on telephone service and equipment<br />

in order to shift thousands of tons of materials<br />

from telephone manufacture to war production.<br />

We shall do our best to meet, the situation and to keep<br />

service at a high level of quality. When you can't get<br />

just the service or equipment you need, or when your<br />

calls are delayed, please remember these are war times.<br />

For detailed information concerning how restrictions<br />

may affect you, please consult our business office.<br />


2$- Buy More War Bonds and Stamps 2$-<br />

[ Page 7 ]<br />

oooooocxxxxxxx<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Moses of<br />

French, Mr. Day's son-in-law<br />

W. Beechcroft road, gave a Day-Cole Wedding and daughter, and another son-<br />

cocktail party on Memorial Day,<br />

in-law Lt. Names E. Barrett, U.<br />

at their home. Their daughter,<br />

S.N.R. also Mr. Day's sister, Miss<br />

Miss Marion Moses, is home for In Short Hills<br />

Mary L. Day and the grandchil-<br />

a few weeks from Mt. Holyoke<br />

dren.<br />

College, and will return abqjit In a wedding ceremony dig- Mr. Day's four sons and two<br />

June 15 for the accelerated nified by its simplicity, Mrs. sons-in-law are graduates of<br />

course.<br />

Louise Young Cole of 277 Park Harvard College and five of<br />

•<br />

avenue, Manhattan, was mar- them are in the Army and Navy<br />

Harrison F. Durand of W. ried Sunday to Joseph P. Day,<br />

With every car being cared<br />

and the sixth, is entering the<br />

Beechcroft road, has been In nationally known realtor, at<br />

for as never before, the care<br />

service.<br />

South Dakota visiting his par- "Pleasant Days," Mr. Day's<br />

the service station attendants<br />

ents and attending his reunion country estate at Short Hills.<br />

After a brief trip the couple give is most vital. In this new<br />

at Yankton College.<br />

The Rev. Herbert Cooper, rec-<br />

will reside at 34 Gramercy way of life, Al's Texaco Station,<br />

•<br />

tor of Christ Church, Short<br />

Park, Manhattan.<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> avenue welcomes your<br />

On Saturday, Marie Clarkson, Hills, officiated. *<br />

•<br />

patronage. You get the best at<br />

Al's friendly service.<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lieutenant Bernard P. Day, On Wednesday, Mrs. E. L.<br />

Clarkson of Twin Oak road, U.S.N.R. was best man while Kincaid of Wyndham terrace, Just about every wedding I've<br />

celebrated her fifth birthday Mrs. Joseph P. Day, Jr., was entertained at tea at her home attended in this vicinity has<br />

with a party. Her small guests matron of honor.<br />

for the mothers of the Third been "done" by Harth, The<br />

Included, her sister, Carolyn Only members of the imme-<br />

Grade of the Short Hills School. Florist. The Harth establish-<br />

Clarkson; a cousin Virginia dlte families were present,<br />

Mrs. Kincaid is the class, mothment is equipped to "do" your<br />

Clarkson, Betty Blbbins, Betsy among whom were Dr. and Mrs.<br />

er.<br />

wedding, no matter how small<br />

Williams, Jane Qlae, Rosalie Joseph P. Day Jr., Lt. Bernard<br />

or how large. Harth has flow-<br />

and Mary Seton Benzinger, Bar- P. Day, U.S.N.R. and Mrs. Day,<br />

ers for all occasions. Ticlaets at<br />

bara Kress and Mary Ann Win- Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Day,<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> Theatre for Mrs. Oscar<br />

terer.<br />


Lt. Fairfield P. Day, U.S.N.R.<br />

Hench, week of June 8.<br />

•<br />

and Mrs. Day, all sons and "See The Marks Bros."<br />

•<br />

Mrs. M. Nicholson and Mrs. daughters-in-law of Mr. Day, RADIO SALES CORP. Once a year Dad gets in his<br />

John Nixon of South Orange"" Lt. Commander Arthur E.<br />

3*7 <strong>Millburn</strong> Avenue innings. His Day comes the<br />

and Mrs. Harry Reusch of French, UJ3.C.G.R. and Mrs. <strong>Millburn</strong> 6-0015 second Sunday in June. If you<br />

Brooklyn, were the week-end<br />

are puzzling your head over<br />

guests of Mrs. Charles E. Mitch-<br />

what to give your Dad this<br />

ell of Washington avenue, over<br />

year, I have some ideas. At<br />

last week-end. Mrs. Mitchell<br />

Kaiser's Pharmacy you'll find<br />

took her guests to the Maple- SOUTH ORANGE STORAGE CORP. the nicest sets of All Spice and<br />

818 Valler Street. South Orance<br />

wood Club on Decoration Day.<br />

Yardley. Shaving mugs toilet<br />

South Orange 2-4000<br />

water, soap and talc with scent<br />


•<br />

the male folks like. An-<br />



other trend includes cigarettes,<br />


cigars or a pipe to give hfan<br />


many hours of comfort.<br />

— TOYS —<br />


•<br />

ALPER'S<br />

STORAGE June still leads in the Parade<br />

of Brides. For the brides on<br />

45 MAIN STREET MI 6-0674<br />

your list, choose a gift of long<br />

lasting value. The Betty Telfer<br />

Studio has a gold mine of<br />

gifts for brides that are rare<br />

and enchanting.<br />

The modern gal doe:i i staj<br />

lioiiir uki June Uuys to wash<br />

and iion. When her Red Cross<br />

or A'.W.V.S. work is ended, a<br />

picnic, bridge or gardenm: la<br />

her relaxation. She tends bet<br />

laundry to Morey La Rue.<br />

•<br />

If yOU'Ve seen I In- r;trl :; nl<br />

cotton dresses at the Suburban<br />

Apparel Shoppe, you wont<br />

Telephone<br />

blame me for raving aboul- Mum.<br />

Almost any color, in stripes or<br />

plain. From teen age to bheix<br />

grandmas age, are cotton BO<br />

in keeping with I tu fcimea and<br />

weather. On B bumid day you<br />

can look anil i rl u crisp as a<br />

lettuce leaf Is one of Suburban's<br />

cotton dresses.<br />

Bugs assail us from all sides<br />

during summer months. From<br />

the lowly ant to inch worms,<br />

rose bugs and beetles. TlgBr'i<br />

Hardware recommend insecticides<br />

which are enemies of<br />

these pests. By the way, have<br />

you ::D elect] ii 1 !':i a fox summer?<br />

•<br />

f urely can get hot around<br />

these parts in June. Thin M<br />

I resign from baking. I keep<br />

cookies, and pound cake in the<br />

larder from Ritter's Bakery- for<br />

any occasion. Ritter's bakers<br />

will do whatever special baking<br />

you desire. Get in the habit of<br />

having them bake for you.<br />

•<br />

Fisher Furniture Galleries<br />

have a charming group of<br />

hand-made reproductions of<br />

Honduras mahogany. They have<br />

a beautiful sofa in Honduras<br />

mohogany Whose original is in<br />

the East room, of the White<br />

House. Such fine furniture can<br />

be yours.<br />

Folks who patronize Virginia's<br />

Tea Room (formerly Pale<br />

soon discover it is a place the<br />

young i I HI fcreni ttaei] will<br />

ate Adv.

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