MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library

MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library

MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library


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Clark Jockeys<br />

Bldg. Figures<br />

Commltteeman Clark Is sure<br />

putting a strain on his galluses<br />

these days In an endeavor to<br />

keep within gunshot of the<br />

building record set up by his<br />

predecessor Henry Junge last<br />

year.<br />

Junge was a go-getter and so<br />

Is Clark but priorities have<br />

tripped him up so that new<br />

lows have taken the place of<br />

Henrys highs.<br />

Last month's total of building<br />

permits was $3,505 and to bring<br />

it to this sum John had to<br />

resort to trickery. He added in<br />

proceeds from the sale of a<br />

bath tub and toilet swiped from<br />

the residence of the late Annie<br />

lfeOonnlgal and sold at public<br />

auction to the highest bidder<br />

for five bucks.<br />

This padding of building figures<br />

may be becoming a habit<br />

for Monday night the reporter's<br />

table and two chairs weie<br />

missing from the chamber in<br />

Town Hall and there was<br />

speculation as to the poss'blllty<br />

the building chairman, having<br />

found a market for toilets etc.,<br />

might next try to sell the<br />

Chamber.<br />

Commltteemen laughed and<br />

laughed when Junge detected<br />

the deception and Clark tried<br />

to explain. Reporters threaten<br />

to bid in the table and chairs<br />

as, if and when they are put up<br />

at public vendue.<br />

•<br />

KeanForAidTo<br />

Small Bust<br />

Congressman Ksan in the<br />

House last week voted "yes" on<br />

two important roll-calls. These<br />

were: On passage of the Small<br />

Business Bill to create a $200,-<br />

000,000 Smaller War Plants<br />

Corporation to mobilize the<br />

productive facilities of small<br />

business In the interest of successful<br />

prosecution of the war,<br />

passed M0 to 0; and on the<br />

Rankin motion to recommit the<br />

Army-Navy Pay Bill to the Conference<br />

Committee with instructions<br />

to the House mangers<br />

to further insist on the<br />

House amendment to raise the<br />

base pay of enlisted men to $50<br />

a month and to Insist on $54<br />

a month as base monthly pay<br />

for men la the sixth grade<br />

adapted 3S3 to SI:<br />

•<br />

VTTYA VRONSKY and Victor<br />

Babin, famed Russian duopianists,<br />

will return to Newark<br />

Tuesday. June i for their<br />

third engagement. This Is their<br />

first appearance at the Stadium<br />

Conceru of the Essex<br />

County Symphony Society. Dimttri<br />

Mitropoukxi. Greek director<br />

of the Minneapolis Symphony<br />

Orchestra, will conduct.<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> & Short Hills ITEM<br />

ooo<<br />

THE ADVANCED UNIFORMED BAND, pictured above, is one of the various groups to be<br />

featured In this year's combined elementary schools' concert to be held Friday evening, June 5 in<br />

the High School Auditorium at 8:00 P. M.<br />

Each year, since the inception of the instrumental music program five year» ago, an annual<br />

concert has been presented so that the public might have an opportunity to hear ant judge the<br />

character of work carried on in the schools.<br />

This year, under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy D. Kauzman, work has been progressing very<br />

satisfactorily, and the pupils,'especially the more advanced groups will give a good account of<br />

themselves.<br />

The program will be varied and will include even the beginners. There will be violin ensembles,<br />

band numbers, clarinet ensembles, a trumpet duet and several combined band and orchestra<br />

selections.<br />

The uniformed band will play such old favorites as the ^erry Widow Walts" and "Poet<br />

and Peasant." The orchestra will include such numbers as "Gavotte" by Handel, "Minuet" by<br />

Bach and the "Victory Overture" by Otis Taylor.<br />

x j y j JT<br />

l\6W XOTfZ U<br />

3<br />

At the 110th annual Commencement<br />

Exercises of New il 1 ClltOllte<br />

York University on Wednesday<br />

morning, June 10. Local residents<br />

will be candidates for<br />

degrees. Including James W.<br />

Elhvanger, 12 Marion avenue,<br />

Bachelor of Science, School of<br />

Commerce, Accounts & Finance;<br />

Eleanor B. Stone, 24 Bodwell<br />

terrace. Master of Arts, School<br />

of February,<br />

1942': John W. Padgett, 93<br />

Oakview terrace; Bachelor oT<br />

of Chemical Engineering; College<br />

of Engineering.<br />

Col inn hi a<br />

Honors West<br />

Summer Sessions Start June 8th<br />

^•LANGUAGES. Berliu<br />

^•MJ In today I<br />

tOt'M J. COLMAN,<br />

Charles Converse West 2nd<br />

of Morristown formerly of <strong>Millburn</strong><br />

with high academic and<br />

extra - curricular honors, was<br />

named among seniors in the<br />

Class Day ceremonies of Columbia<br />

College, men's undergraduate<br />

school of Columbia<br />

Qollege, men's undergraduate<br />

school of Columbia University,<br />

New York City, on Monday,<br />

June 1. West, who was cited for<br />

general scholastic honors by<br />

the College authorities, was<br />

selected for membership in Phi<br />

Beta Kppa, national honor so-<br />

Beadix REPAIRS<br />

e The Marks Bros."<br />


387 MUlburn A>-<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> 6-0015<br />

••rliti Stud.nt.<br />

Spaok EveryonV.<br />

Language , . .<br />

•rf/#i Schoti] of Lanquaqes<br />

H0 IROAD STR1ET mSsV f.<br />


MArket 3-4842<br />

ciety for outstanding scholars.<br />

In addition, he was recently<br />

awarded a gold "King's Crown"<br />

medal.<br />

Aids Red Cross<br />

For the next two weeks the<br />

garden of Mrs. Moses W. Faitoute<br />

at Twin Oaks, will be<br />

open for the benefit of the<br />

local Red Cross. The rhododendrons,<br />

over fifty years old, In<br />

colors ranging from deep crimson<br />

to palest pink are particularly<br />

fine. The sunken garden<br />

Is showing delphiniums and<br />

white fox-gloves and the rose<br />

garden is a lovely spot with its<br />

hybrid teas at their best.<br />

A box, in the nook at the<br />

head of the poo] holds contributions<br />

to this worthy cause.<br />

*<br />


of Jersey Central Power &<br />

Light Company have declared<br />

the regular quarterly dividends<br />

on their preferred stock payable<br />

July l, 1942 to stockholders<br />

of record on j U n e 10tn> rhe<br />

dividends are 1.75 per share on<br />

the 7 per cent preferred stockj<br />

$1.50 a share on the 6 per cent,<br />

and $1,375 a share on the 5 1/2<br />

per cent preferred stock.<br />

Jine<br />

Individualized<br />





* 5"°°<br />

AH Items Fifty ^ ^<br />


t - Ml 6-2128<br />

Gets Increase<br />

By ordinance Monday night<br />

the Township Committee<br />

changed the Civil Service classification<br />

of Miss Bessie A.<br />

Bosworth from clerk-bookkeeper<br />

in the Township treasurer's<br />

office to "senior clerk," grant-<br />

Ing an increase in salary from<br />

her present $1,420 to $1,640 effective<br />

as of July 1, 1043. The<br />

measure was passed on first<br />

reading.<br />

[June<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Assn. Serves<br />

More than 60 p«oplt atleadtd<br />

the annual meeting and tM of<br />

the Neighborhood AssortMtaa<br />

at the home of Kn. Win. Denton<br />

Taylor, indicating «** Increated<br />

Interest In the work<br />

of the organisation.<br />

Mr. Leiand Hall auditor r#»<br />

ported total receipt* of III,-<br />

117.76. Thla Included two<br />

returns from the<br />

Seal Bale at<br />

One thing NOT to<br />

operating Income tl.4tO.4T and<br />

tlMOTJt of contributions from<br />

individuals and croups. Bspmdltures<br />

were $11 Ml Ml.<br />

Mrs. ChrUUan Holland. Chairman<br />

of the Family Welfare Os><br />

partment. stated trial ISO different<br />

families had bttot gram<br />

service. Consultation and adviet<br />

was sought on a variety «f 41*<br />

uattons ranging from help la<br />

obtaining support in rases of<br />

illegitimacy, securing eoeweln<br />

cent and faster home cat* for<br />

children and family<br />

to furnishing eye<br />

Ing, ete. when<br />

cash relief<br />

because of the<br />

in employment<br />

cause the Township<br />

Department providai lor regular<br />

relief oases<br />

The Nursing Oenrtat wtta<br />

Mrs. Charles Orevn at Chairman,<br />

reported a very aetm<br />

year with the semes used «tenslvely<br />

la all ooertons of lbs<br />

township. s.iti vttfta www wto,<br />

Nursery School children tan*<br />

Ined dally and SI Child Wcl-<br />

(Contlnued on Pag* fifteen'<br />

worry about<br />

WE ALL have plenty of worries on<br />

our minds these days. It's good Co<br />

know that one worry can be eliminated<br />

— fear for the safety of valuable<br />

personal papers and similar<br />

property. A safe deposit box in our<br />

v :mlt will do the trick. Gather your<br />

vnluabks, l>ring them in and we'll<br />

provide a box to accommodate<br />

them. 1 lie cost is pleasantly low.<br />

1 HE<br />


«{ <strong>MILLBURN</strong>, NEW .11 IS-I :i<br />

nu<br />

Established 1907<br />

Member<br />


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