MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library

MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library

MILLBURN SHOKTHILLS - Millburn Public Library


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t 16 ]<br />

AMONG THOSE who received<br />

degrees Wednesday at New<br />

Jem? College for Women was<br />

UUt Janice Ware of 9 Cross<br />

Gates. Short Hills, who received<br />

the degree of Bachelor<br />

of Art*. Miss Ware is the<br />

• daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John<br />

S. Ware and Is a graduate of<br />

Columbia High School, South<br />

Orange. At New Jersey College<br />

IB* Ware majored In music<br />

•SKI was treasurer of the Music<br />

Ouild and a member of the<br />

Intercollegiate Music Ouild Festival<br />

committee.<br />

Classified<br />

Section<br />

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U.S.O. Drive<br />

At Half Way<br />

With the drive at half distance,<br />

over $5,000, all captains<br />

of districts and their workers<br />

are busy this week trying to<br />

make each district the banner<br />

one for USO. The special gifts<br />

committee as well as that of<br />

the local business men, is each<br />

doing its job thoroughly.<br />

All of the workers need just<br />

one thing bo assure the success<br />

of our local drive and that is<br />

the pledge from everyone in the<br />

Township that he or she will<br />

give something, no matter how<br />

small it may be. It will be<br />

worth while and the feeling of<br />

knowing that you have a share,<br />

no matter how small, in the<br />

fund that is raised for the boys<br />

in the service, brings its own<br />

reward.<br />

For the balance of the campaign<br />

the headquarters at 313A<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> avenue will be open<br />

in the afternoon and evening<br />

instead of the morning and<br />

afternoon. The same women<br />

under Mrs. Thomas's leadership<br />

will staff the headquarters from<br />

2-5 daily. For the past week<br />

and for the duration of the<br />

campaign, Mrs. Dorothy Foster,<br />

whose husband is one of the<br />

boys in the service, is the volunteer<br />

in charge in the evening<br />

from 7-9 o'clock.<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong> Township was not<br />

given a chance to support the<br />

U.S.O. campaign last year so<br />

there Is an added reason to<br />

make every effort this year and<br />

send the U.S.O. thermometer at<br />

headquarters well over the $10-<br />

man Greene<br />

has called an Important meeting<br />

of all U.S.O. workers for<br />

Monday night at 8:15 at the<br />

High School. All workers are<br />

asked to be present.<br />

•<br />

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The arrest of Richard Burton,<br />

colored, of 22 Sayre street<br />

nit, by Detective Sergeant<br />

d Detective Wade, of<br />

the <strong>Millburn</strong> Police Department,<br />

la expected to clear up the theft<br />

of three cars, which were reported<br />

missing in Short Hills.<br />

Sayre was arrested and<br />

charged with the theft of a<br />

car Monday at the Short Hills<br />

station. He since has admitted<br />

according to police, to stealing<br />

another car at the same place<br />

and still another from in front<br />

of the Racquets Club in February<br />

and March, as well as the<br />

snatching of a pocketbook in<br />

South Orange.<br />

He was locked up at the local<br />

police station, to be arraigned<br />

*<br />

11 g for Meat<br />

French dressing in a n<br />

role - use it for brushing<br />

meats and vegetables when they<br />

are broUed. The dressing Kives<br />

extra flavor and helps out with<br />

the browning.<br />

Celery For Flavor<br />

Dry celery leaves in a pan tn<br />

the oven. Crumble and store n<br />

a covered glass jar, until needeS<br />

for flavoring dressings<br />

and stews, and to combine<br />

other salad herbs.<br />

The <strong>Millburn</strong> 6 s Short Hills ITEM<br />


tendered his resignation as a<br />

member of the Township Engineering<br />

Department and it<br />

has been accepted. Leaving<br />

June 6, he will join the Army<br />

Signal Corps.<br />

•<br />

Town Blacks<br />

Out In Rain<br />

Thoroughly soaked by a far<br />

from gentle rain, but with<br />

spirits not in the least dampened,<br />

<strong>Millburn</strong>'s Defense Workers<br />

joined* in the State-wide<br />

surprise blackout Monday night.<br />

The average citizen, who could<br />

just stay in his home, and turn<br />

out the lights.missed the downpour,<br />

but numberless bumped<br />

shins and noggins were reported<br />

from all sections of. the<br />

Township by those who had<br />

not prepared a light-proof room<br />

in which to retire for the duration.<br />

The blue, alert, signal was<br />

received at 9:50 P. M., and<br />

called workers to action. The<br />

audible alarm at 10:10 saw<br />

lights go out rapidly as residents<br />

hastened to comply with<br />

the blackout. All zones reported<br />

being completely on duty at<br />

10:27.<br />

Some confusion was caused<br />

by an aucRble alarm sounded<br />

in adjoining towns on the<br />

yellow signal at 9:35 which<br />

was intended to summon<br />

workers to their posts. Although<br />

strictly against orders, many<br />

Bur uwirto STAUS<br />



people in those communltlea,<br />

as well as in <strong>Millburn</strong> called<br />

police to ask whether thla was<br />

actually the blackout alarm. In<br />

this way defense communication<br />

was somewhat impeded.<br />

Only eight violation* were<br />

reported in the Townahlp one<br />

occurring in each sector and<br />

all but one of these was of an<br />

accidental nature, such aa attic<br />

lights being left burning,<br />

without the knowledge of anyone<br />

in the house. Another case<br />

concerned a fireplace fire,<br />

which proved inextinguishable.<br />

The one violator, with whom<br />

wardens had trouble was summoned<br />

to appear at Police Headquarters,<br />

where a stiff warning<br />

was delivered by Chief of<br />

Police ,Wade and Chief Air<br />

Raid Warden MacDougall.<br />

*<br />

PROFESSOR Harold N. Cummings,<br />

Newark College of Engineering,<br />

announces completion<br />

of winter courses in Sngineering<br />

Defense Training at<br />

the College. These courses were<br />

tuition-free and were sponsored<br />

by the U. S. Office of<br />

Education. Among those who<br />

completed the course In Design<br />

of Machine Elements was<br />

Thomas Reverell of 85 Mt. View<br />

road.<br />

*<br />

THE BOARD of the Women's<br />

Independent Republican Club<br />

of Short Hills and <strong>Millburn</strong> met<br />

at the home of the president.<br />

Mrs. George Dreher on Monday.<br />

June 1st. Plans for the coming<br />

Fall campaign were discussed<br />

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